

My station till now is more a temporarily setup. And it will always change. That's part of the amateurradio hobby. On this page I show you my radioshack and antenna setup.

My station: Computer: HP Elitedesk 800 i5-4570 8Gb RAM W10 PRO, Radio: Icom IC-7300, Tuner: Palstar AT1KM, Portable radio: Yaesu FT-817 and Icom IC-706MK2G (not in this picture). SSB mike: Heil Proset Elite iC, CW: internal keyer IC-7300

The station is just basic, I consider the antenna as most important in the whole installation. I'm constantly changing antennas since I like to experiment. 

The 4 element 10m LFA beam is the only commercial build antenna in the tower. 

The small beam is a Maspro WH59/N mounted for experiments on VHF/UHF. It is removed at this date.

I use a inverted-V for all other bands. Primarely for 60m and 80m. The apex is @12m. It is made of 2x 50m twisted and insulated copperwire. 2x 22m as antenna and 30m to the shack as open line, I use "rose clips" for spreaders.

For 6m/4m a 10 element beam was mounted at 14m above ground level. Its is a YU7EF design, 5 elements for 6m and 5 elements for 4m. The 4m dipole is inductive coupled. It does an excellent job on DX.

I recently made an experimental 4 band antenne. It is a cobweb design but 20,15 and 12m are full wave loops. I couldn't get the 17m band loop in between without a large effect on the other bands and besides that couldn't find a resonance point. So the 17m band is made with a loop that has been opened at the ends. That way it is a dipole with a close parasitic elelement. Don't ask me why but it works like that. And yes, it radiates. 

Check this site regulary as I will update it from time to time with new photo's and changes.

Last update: 20-01-2024