
Saturday, March 1, 2025

Experimental multiband halo rebuild (2)

  The weather here is improving. Sun is shining and temperature today was about 7C (45F). My XYL wants the antenna away from the garden. I agree with her. But experiments take time.

From what I read in other building descriptions on the internet you should start building with the highest band. So I started building the 12m loop last time. Fast time I wil start with 20m again. It turns out after I made the 20m loop all other loops are way too short. Have to fix that hopefully tomorrow.

Also the glasfiber is bending too much due to the heavier wire. I already attached guy lines on top. I need to adjust them in the end.

The result so far:

12m is way too short and also SWR is not what it should be.

15m too short

17m too short, SWR/resonance very nice

20m is fine.

Hopefully the weather will be good enough tomorrow to continue tuning the antenna.

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