
Tuesday, December 10, 2024

#6m propagation 10 december


XV9T and DU0A had strong signals this morning around "peak" time. Jaap PA0O who is about 20km south of me also received DU6/PE1NSQ with strong signal while I did not see him at all. That's how spotty 6m propagation can be. I took a view on 6m several times this morning but only about 10 minutes around 9:45 UTC there was some F2 propagation. I also tried for America in the afternoon but nothing seen from the west.

With the upcoming 10m ARRL contest should I move to 10m now? I did in the past but right now 6m has my interest. I really think it is magic to see stations from 8000-9000km away on VHF, because that is what 50MHz is...

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