
Saturday, August 31, 2024

My quest to learn CW (9)

 Here I am again with the results ;-)

Unfortunately some days are missing, it was just a matter of no access to the internet. But practised with morsemania app on my phone those days. 

Managed to finish lesson 40 with a speed of 28/11 wpm. Now doing 28/12 wpm. Also doing word practise with 5 letters now. Getting better but very slowly.

If possible I try to decode some morse on the radio. A beacon I heard was very low signal on 10m. Had to listen a couple of times before I could get the complete text.

YM7TEN/B KN91RB KN91RB PWR1W YM7TEN/B as heard with signal RST 313 on 28.225 at 29 August. Stations that call or make QSOs have been heard but it is all gibberish to me, sending way to fast and to me it is like they don't have any pause between the letters. I really wonder how someone is able to decode???


  1. Try to get a morserino 32, you get it all in a small box and no internet needed. 55 73 de oe2hem

  2. Hello there, yes someone else gave me that tip as well. I've been visiting the Morserino 32 website. It looks interesting. Tnx, 73, Bas

  3. Hi Bas.
    When you start recognizing words, decoding fast/er operators becomes a lot easier. For me the ones who are a disaster to copy, are new straight-key ops who go on air without any guidance. They tend to glue a lot together. Not that ops of other type of keys don't do that either, hi, but I find them a lot more problematic. An experienced op can usually work out parts though. If I manage to work out their call, I usually send them a friendly email and point them to trainingsoftware to improve their sending).

    Looking at your stats, they are bloody good. But I would suggest to stop the codegroup training as we aren't the army sending codegroups, but focus on words/text/callsigns etc from now on.

    73, Martin PE1EEC/PE6X

    1. Tnx for the comment Martin. I do the codegroups for fun and to improve speed. I do text and word training everyday. Besides that I do numbers training. Both complete numbers and contest style abbreviations like A, N and T. Still to follow any QSO on the radio is something I don't get. Need more practise I guess. Did some CQs on 10m yesterday but no response even RBN spotters didn't spot me. SSB with the USA 5 minutes later was a 59 report. Strange.... 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas