
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Denmark vacation

  Just ended our vacation (holiday) in Denmark. We have been on North Sealand, about 60km north of Copenhagen. Of course we visited Copenhagen, the little mermaid and Amalienborg. Well, we are not used to city live and it was all too crowded for us, but at least we can tell we have been there. We rented some bikes so we went outside the tourist zone as well. Found this very nice wall painting near a school. Of course we visited a lot of other places as well. Denmark is a beautiful country. 

  Upon request from my XYL I didn't bring a radiostation with me. But you know me, I have to bring some kind of radio. This time the Tecsun PL-365 shortwave receiver. I't tiny and even fits in your pocket.

  I only tried it inside the summerhouse we rented. Some stations have been heard on 20m and 40m. I only listened to CW which is in line with my current CW learning curve. Most stations are sending way too fast and all I can pick up are random letters. I only logged one Italian station on 14010KHz CW at 12:49UTC he was callling CQ CQ DE IZ4EKI IZ4EKI K. I had to listen very carefully since I could hardly detect any spacing between te letters. Although I think he was sending about 12wpm. After the 4th time CQ I think I had his call. At least one little success.

  I got a cable with me to connect the Tecsun with the computer to decode FT8. But hey, what's the fun of that? So, only CW this time...

  The only HAMradio antenna I saw this vacation was in Frederiksvaerk, just a few kilometers from our summerhouse. Very nice setup on a large tower. Unable to find the call of this HAM, he's not on as far as I could find.


  1. Good morning Bas sounds like a very nice vacation indeed. As for radio you did not miss much as conditions are a bit rough these days. We just got back from a mini vacation (no radio as well). We went to an island not far from us called Grand Manan. It's 1.5 hour ferry ride on the ocean to get too. In our travels we met a couple from the Netherlands visiting Canada. We had a very nice chat and found out they were staying in the same Inn as us.

    1. Very nice Mike. Yes there is also a life besides the hobby. Nice to hear you had a nice vacation as well. 73, Bas PE4BAS

  2. Hi Bas, nice to hear you had a lovely holiday with your wife in Denmark - it’s a place I would love to visit one day. In fact, I’d like to do one of those Nordic Riverboat cruises, but they’re really too expensive for me.

    73, Tom, M7MCQ.

    1. Tnx for the comment Tom, those cruises are way too expensive for me as well. Just with the car is good enough for me. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas