
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

My quest to learn CW (8)


I'm still at 28/11 wpm. For those that didn't read my previous posts. The letters are send with 28wpm, the real speed is 11wpm due to some extra spacing between the letters. Still this is very hard. It actually is way too fast for me but I'm trying to push the limits. Some days I'm better compared to others. I keep practising everyday, progress goes very slow.

In the mean time, thanks to PA4O Peter,  I found another nice program to do callsign training. It also has a kind of highscore list. It's called CW freak and can be downloaded here:

It's nice to push a little harder every time. I'm shure I will get better in time...


  1. Good morning Bas and glad to read that you are still hanging there. As you know with code there are dips in the road and you may be in one now. Not to worry your good days over time will out number your bad days. I am not sure if I had mentioned to you one of the software programs I use it's called G4FON contest trainer. It is great for learning letters and numbers. I set it up to run the WPX contest. This gives me call sign and number practice.
    Thanks for the update Bas,

  2. Nice tip Mike. Unfortunately if you want the G4FON contest trainer fully you need to pay. Other software is free. I doubt this software really adds something that free software doesn't. It seems there is also training software for N1MM contestlog. Have to dive into that since it is my primary contest program. 73, Bas

  3. Hi Bas

    N1MM+ has a Morserunner training-mode and it's very easy to set-up.

    You need to make sure you first Open or Create a new log (File -> New Log/Open Log) for the CQWW CW or CQWPX CW, then

    Config -> Config Ports... -> Other : tick MorseRunner Mode

    and then set your parameters for MorseRunner in the menu. There is no Farnsworth setting though :-) I have a struggle with the key though. Normally after you entered the exchange, you hit the Enter-key and then it sends TU. but for some reason it doesn't do that (with and without ESM enabled).

    73, Martin PE1EEC/PE6X

  4. Good morning again Bas, regarding the G4FON software if you go to the site at and look toward the bottom just above "revision history" you will see a "Download latest version 3" Note this is not the link further up in the page that has a paypal link. At the link lower on the page you enter your call sign and you get the program for free.

  5. I've tried what you recommended Mike. Unfortunately it is still an evaluation copy. Unable to change callsign and also restricted to 20 calls. I will remove it from my computer and use other software. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas