
Sunday, June 30, 2024

My quest to learn CW (7)

Not much to tell about progress. Yes, I did make a first CW QSO with the begali paddle. Under pressure that was because of a failing computer. TF/AE5X was the lucky one, he even captured it on video. I imagine something else from my first QSO, but hey, it is what it is.

Still struggling at 28wpm/10wpm effective. I managed to get to lesson 40, my goal and the end is to run it 100% at this speed and then continue to 28/11wpm. 

I'm not doing lessons only., I also do a lot of plain text training and started to do word training on daily basis. I started at 2 letter words and after I managed to do that for 100% I continued to 3 letter words. For now the best I can do is 99% with 3 letter words starting at 20wpm and ending at 40wpm.

Some people tell me to listen on the bands. I do, but unfortunately I can't make anything out of it. Most CW transmissions are way too fast. A few letters is all I can do.

I realize I'm not a fast CW learner, may be I'm too old? Or may be it has something to do with my disability to learn music from notes. I've tried that in the past but I'm not able to read notes and then play music out of it. Even after a few years all I saw was separate notes. I really hope that this has nothing to do compared to learning morse. When I read that some people hear the music of notes, well I can't hear it. I only hear long and short beeps, no tones. Not shure what they hear or what they mean?

Update 7-July-2024:

Finally managed 100% at 28/10 wpm effective. Sometimes I think that 28wpm might be too fast. On the other hand I need not to count but hear how the letters sound.


  1. Hello Bas,
    Congratulations on your mastery of CW. I need to relearn it. Never felt comfortable with it. I read music as a kid but it did not help when I first got licensed. Maybe when we get moved to EM64 then I will restart. By the way moving is for old people. Hi Hi.


  2. Hello Don, tnx for the comment. Not shure when you will retire but for me that takes another 12 years. I don't want to wait for so long to learn CW. Actually I always wanted to learn it before becoming 50 but life got other surprises for me. At least it is only a restart for you, you probabely will learn it faster compared to me. Glad to hear the connection between music and CW was not there for you. I've been reading that it would help if you are into music playing, I'm not. Good luck, 73, Bas

  3. Thanks for the QSO, Bas! I've also read about the connection between CW & music but it is not there for me..I learned CW as a kid but tried guitar and can't get very good at that.

    For our contact I was unsure of what CW speed to use. I know you have been practicing callsigns at a fairly high speed and I thought I should try to operate with that in mind. Anyway, it was great to hear your call come from the speaker!

    73 and keep CWing!

  4. Hello John, again tnx. I'm comfortable at a speed of 10-12 wpm. Yes I practise with higher speeds because I want to learn instant recognition, but it takes a lot from me and I make many faults. Anyway, nice to hear that you also do not have anything with music that helps you with morsecode. If only I learned CW earlier in life. I hope to work you on CW soon again with some better skills ;-). 73, Bas

  5. Dag Bas,
    Leuk om te zien hoe e.e.a. ontwikkelt. Ik was 56 toen ik begon met cw. Iedere morgen een kwartier en 's avonds 20 minuten. Volgde toen de cursus van de UBA. Ma een jaar mijn eerste qso.
    Nu sein ik met 18-20 wpm, ander komen de tegenstations te snel terug met de computer en haak ik af. Ben op donderdagen vanaf 10.00 uur lokale tijd qrv vanuit de radiokamer in het Aviodrome met de call PI4ADL. Meestal op 7.045 of 14.045.
    73 de Joop PA3JD

  6. Hi Bas

    You did well for your first "QSO". The main thing is you overcame your fear and made your QSO. Keep chasing DX and SES while still learning to learn the mess of actual CW. Computer generated always sounds so nice and perfect, unlike the real thing, hi.

    73, Martin PE1EEC/PE6X

  7. @Joop, daar sta ik van te kijken. Ik heb altijd gedacht dat jij al vanaf je jeugd morse deed. Een echte OM van vroeger zeg maar. Ik ben nu 55. Dus als jij het nu kan gaat het mij ook echt lukken. Ik ben donderdag nooit in de gelegenheid om voor de radio te zitten helaas, dan ben ik aan het werk. Zou wel leuk zijn om je een keer te werken. 18wpm moet mij wel lukken denk ik. Het probleem bij mij is dat de letters erg snel achter elkaar komen, zeg maar de effectieve snelheid. Letters herkennen gaat wel tot 40wpm, daarboven gaat iets moeilijker. Misschien kunnen we een keer wat afspreken. Ik wil toch eens wat QSO's maken met CW. Fouten maken doet iedereen.

    @Martin, bedankt voor je reactie. Chasing DX doe ik over het algemeen met FT8, dat gaat zoveel makkelijker. CW lijkt me vooral leuk voor contesten en af en toe een QSO met een bekende.

    73, Bas

  8. Good morning Bas thanks for the post I am always very interested how your CW journey is going. When I read in your post that you were struggling at 28wpm/10wpm effective...What I do from time to time is set the code trainer at where I was at the start. I listen to it and remember how I struggled at that time. Then I set it to 1/2 way were I was and am now and listen. I found it gave me encouragement to see how I have made progress. It's great too look forward with the code but sometimes it helps to see where you were and are now.


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas