
Saturday, June 15, 2024

First real CW QSO

   Fellow blogger John AE5X is currently in Iceland. On his blog he announced that he would be QRV at 1900z this evening from Spákonufellshöfði Country Park. Not that I am a big POTA hunter though. I just wanted to work him. John will only be on CW, that's a big challenge for me. So I programmed a trigger in HamAlert and as soon I got a announcement on my phone I went upstairs to my shack. At first he was spotted on 17m, I couldn't hear him although OY1CT was calling CQ almost on his spotted frequency. So, propagation was good in the direction of Iceland. A few minutes later John was spotted on 20m. I heard him with real 579. However, I didn't dare to send my call with the paddle. So instead I did setup DM780 with CW. Call me a coward :-(.

I called John with CW on the computer. John came back to me....then my computer/radio locked on TX. A moment of panic followed. The only thing I could do was switch off the radio since even the TX off button didn't do anything. Trying to shut down all software and switch back the radio on didn't do the trick, radio did still transmit. In the end I got it back on receive and John was still calling. I had to try with the paddle. Unfortunately I had the radio set on "full break in" which was not really what I wanted. But at the time John came back to me I was shaking to much and decided to make the best of it. I tried to send "TU JOHN" but the paddle didn't do what I wanted, or was it my brain? At least I could send him a standard 599 report and the 73 sign so it is a valid contact. I'm sorry for the inconvenience John, if you read this, it was not what I wanted for my first real CW QSO. But at least it is valid...


  1. Je zal deze altijd blijven onthouden Bas. Die van mij was met Eltje Veen PA3CEE op 2 meter. Kon gelijk hele verhalen seinen want alleen 599 was niet genoeg voor hem. Klamme handen en verhoogde hartslag. Pols die pijn deed. Maar wat een voldoening achteraf. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hallo Rob, nou dit was eigenlijk niet de bedoeling. Zo goed ben ik nog niet met CW. Hele verhalen seinen en opnemen gaat me echt niet lukken. Maar ik ga vrolijk door. Dit smaakt naar meer ;-). 73, Bas

  3. I'm very happy to get you logged, Bas - thank you for calling! I knew you were having some kind of keying problem and that you would get it sorted...and you did. Happens to all of us!

    I've already uploaded to POTA, will upload to LoTW when I get home. 73!

  4. Hello John, tnx for the short QSO/exchange. LoTW is still down I believe, not that important. We both know that we made the QSO. The way it went was a little unexpected though :-). 73, Bas

  5. Good morning Bas the jitters are very normal and happen to us all. I was listening for John but heard nothing and I hope he is on again before he heads home. I just added him to HamAlert.

  6. One more park before going home (IS-0028):
    16 June, starting between 2000-2030Z. I'll be looking for you both, Bas & Mike!

  7. Hi Bas

    This takes me back to my first QSO's as activator (I never chased in CW before that). Scary as hell and when I walked back to my car I had the best feeling that I managed to complete 2 QSO's.

    So yes, the beginning is hard. What happened with your transceiver/computer combination really s*cks. But don't be afraid to make mistakes. Even the experienced ops make them all the time. Send a correction, ask for a repeat, no problem. There is no punishment for that :-)

    Better luck next time!

    73, Martin PE1EEC/PE6X

  8. @Martin, luckely John and I know each other for a long time via radio/blog so he knows that I'm just a beginner.

    @John, because of fathersday I was not at home. I did see you getting spotted several times but was not able to get home on time. There will always be a next time least I worked you once.


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas