
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

#CQWW explorer / multi distributed first legal, now illigal in the Netherlands

Map with locations used for PA6AA during WW

   The PA6AA contestgroup was taking part in the CQ WPX SSB and WW SSB contests in the multi distributed / explorer section this year. You can read about the last efforts in a previous post from october here. Just to be shure after the experiment in the multi distributed section of the WPX, PB7Z asked for permission at the Dutch FCC (RDI). He had a written permission that it was allright, so taking part with one contest callsign from different locations within the Netherlands was assumed legal. Was...

After publishing the Dutch language story (most same as my blogpost) on social media and in some amateur radio magazines in the Netherlands and Belgium the RDI noticed the license holder today that after all this was not allowed following the Dutch rules. Probabely the first permission was given by someone that didn't understand what we would do, or doesn't have any affinity with our hobby.

So we did a kind of unique thing here within the hobby it seems, the PA6AA contest group was the first to take part in these sections. Our amateur radio law here isn't yet ready for these kind of experiments. Hopefully the rules will change in the future because it was a very successful experiment which we wanted to extend. Unfortunately at this time it will not be possible.


  1. Hope the RDI take notice and over think this rule.
    73s Peter/pd1rp

  2. Strange...

    PA6HQ have been doing this in the IARU contest for a few years now, what did this group do differently? PB7Z was one of the HQ operators also this year

    73, Kees

  3. @Peter, ik hoop het ook. We gaan het afwachten!

    @Kees, de RDI gaat contact opnemen met degene die de PA6HQ call beheerd.

    73, Bas

  4. Hallo Bas, ik moest ineens weer aan jullie denken toen ik vandaag dit item op de veron site zag staan. Die zoeken operators voor de editie 2024 van de IARU HF Championship Contest. Uit het artikel: "Een andere regel is dat het station niet op één locatie hoeft te staan. Maar het mag verdeeld zijn over meerdere locaties in het land. Dus we zoeken 12 locaties waar één van de band/mode combinaties gedaan kunnen worden."...

    Dus dat RDI contact is er of niet geweest of ze staan het alsnog weer toe...

    Heel bijzonder weer...

    73 de Kees PC1I

  5. Hallo Kees, Bernard de callhouder van PA6AA gaat er zeker een punt van maken bij de RDI. Dit klopt gewoon niet. Want in feite deden wij hetzelfde. We gaan het afwachten. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas