
Saturday, July 1, 2023

6m/4m propagation first day of July


At the end of the 1st of July I can look back on a very good 6m/4m DX day. 3 new DXCC on 6m and 1 on 4m. I write this post just before local midnight and I still see stations on 6m right now.


  1. Ja klopt,ES,HA en LY gisteren op 4 m gewerkt..

  2. Good morning Bas, looks like the 6m gods are smiling on you! Very nice to read all your posts regarding 6m and the great contacts your getting.

  3. @Ron Ja inderdaad 4m ook open. ES en LY zie/hoor je niet zo heel vaak dus is wel bijzonder. Alles op 4m is gewoon leuk te werken want de uitdaging is veel groter. Waren het voor jouw nieuwe DXCC?

    @Mike Every year I think about my efforts on 6m, is it worth to mount the antenna in the tower again? And still it surprises me how much DX can be worked after all. I expected working new DXCC after 100 would be very difficult, but still I already worked quite a few new ones on 6 and 4. Sorry I have not much more variety in the blog posts lately. The only thing in this radio hobby that keeps me busy is DXing on 6m right now. Of course besides that I have a lot of other things that have to be done. Well, you know how life goes. I'm looking forward to my retirement, but my dad already warned me life even get busier. You already noticed in your blog. 73, Bas

  4. Hi Bas,
    Ja waren voor mij nieuwe entiteiten op 4 m. Leuk bandje 70 MHz..73 Ron


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas