
Friday, March 10, 2023

VarAC today

 I'm quite enthousiastic about VarAc the last few days. I actually had a few very nice QSOs. Real QSOs, not only 599. However, even on VarAC some only make contact to exchange the most necessary data and disconnect again. 

If someone is not on their keyboard I leave at least a personal message. That works most of the time since I get a lot of messages in return. That way I know it is appreciated very much. Interesting also is that most of the days long path propagation opens to Australia and New Zealand. 

The map shows 10m (pink) and 20m (yellow) bands. This is from after my diner time. About 20-24 UTC. This is typical, actually this time no New Zealand were other days showed about the same propagation including New Zealand. Would be very curious what the map would look like if monitoring over the whole day...


  1. Good morning Bas, thanks very much for your posts of VarAC as it's very new to me. Very interesting to learn about it from your blog. I have yet to try it BUT never say never!
    Always enjoy reading your posts.

  2. Hello Mike, I already posted some about VarAC previously. It is really worth trying the program. Although it is not the same as CW of course. It is digital but it is not like FT8 or alike. It has similarities with PSK31 although a completely other mode. It features some macros but human interaction has the best and main element. 73, Bas

  3. Best nog wel wat activiteiten met deze mode. Mij trekt het niet om met deze mode te gaan werken. 73 Paul

  4. Hallo Paul, dat is jammer. Maar goed dat is het mooie van deze hobby, je kan doen wat je leuk vind. Mijn trekt bijvoorbeeld D-star etc. niet echt. Zo ie zo het hele 2m en 70cm en hoger trekt mij niet. Behalve dan misschien het werken via een satteliet. Het enige wat ik dan nog wel eens doe is het volgen van de vossenjacht ballon in September. Dan hebben we het gelijk over vossenjagen, een aparte tak van de hobby. Lijkt me wel eens leuk om dat te proberen. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas