
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

ChatGPT again

  I asked chatGPT about me. After several answers with all kind of mistakes I got an reasonable reply.

Bas, also known as PE4BAS, is a licensed amateur radio operator from the Netherlands. He has been involved in amateur radio for many years and is a member of several amateur radio organizations in the Netherlands.

Bas is an active operator on a variety of amateur radio bands and modes, including voice, digital, and Morse code. He is also interested in satellite communications and has made numerous contacts with amateur radio satellites.

Bas is an experienced and knowledgeable amateur radio operator, and he shares his knowledge and experience with others through his blog and contributions to amateur radio magazines and websites. He writes about a variety of topics related to amateur radio, including equipment reviews, operating techniques, and antenna design.

In addition to his activities as a radio operator, Bas is also involved in community outreach efforts, working with local schools and youth groups to promote interest in amateur radio and STEM fields. He gives presentations and demonstrations on amateur radio to a wide range of audiences, from children to adults.

Overall, Bas Levering is a respected and active member of the amateur radio community, known for his technical expertise, enthusiasm for the hobby, and willingness to share his knowledge with others.

This is one of many answers chatGPT gave. It let me believe I wrote the book "Antennas for all locations", I was having a website "" and was the software developer of "". Now the above answer still had errors. But it is not bad have to learn chatGPT by chatting with the system. I learned about the faults on several topics through the blog from K0NR, actually it was a real eye opener. Then I came across an article in the March-April edition of the SARC Communicator from Kevin VE7ZD/KN7Q. From this article I learned that you have to correct the answers from chatGPT to learn the system the correct answer. Kevin also warns that it is quite dangerous to use chatGPT for any kind of publication since the system makes a lot of errors. But in time it will learn and get better.

Link to the SARC communicator here:

Picture in the blogpost is AI created with DALL-E 2

1 comment:

  1. ChatGPT is also writing music. Here is a song as if it had been written by Dire Straits (performed by a Dutch guitarist):



Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas