
Sunday, January 22, 2023

TBDXC no more.

   I just received an e-mail from Pete MM0TWX that the True Blue DX Club has ended. Including the nice TBDXC marathon that is. You can find more info as long as it is online on the website:

Pete came to the conclusion that amateurradio without using FT8 isn't possible for most HAMs. Only a few die hards are DXing with SSB/CW only. But it is just less as anticipated. It was a noble thought I think, but you can't fight the change in this hobby. It is how we DX these days....

I've never been a member but I really liked the marathon. I use whatever mode I'm able to use to DX. But I always prefer SSB. Unfortunately these days that is not always possible. 


  1. Good morning Bas, I am not a big fan of FT8 not because it's a new mode, computer based or automated but for the very reason I just like CW. FT8 is great for our hobby and is getting hams on the air. Those who are in HOA areas FT8 provides a means to rake in DX. Just like other technologies ham radio is changing too.
    Mike the CW purist as a wise man once said...:))

  2. Hello Mike, tnx for your comment. Great you only use CW these days because that's where your heart is. You know what FT8 is because you have been trying it and you experienced it is not your mode of operation. You are right about HAMs that are restricted with antennas or even have a hearing handicap. Personally I prefer SSB but like other modes as well. Luckely we are all free what to use on HAM radio. Just use what suits you best. It's a pity that a good initiative from Pete has come to an end in only a few years. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas