
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

TBDXC Bands Alive HF Ultra Marathon - good to know!

  Remember my posts about the True Blue DX club HF marathon? Probabely not. It's one of many marathons over the year. This one is particulary for CW and SSB. The club wants to increase the use of SSB and CW on the (HF) HAM bands. A nice thought and I welcomed it. I registered for their marathon since you don't have to be a member to participate. I uploaded my logs and became 6th in 2021. A nice certificate was received. I thought it would be nice to upload my log to this years marathon as well. I did....but then I got an e-mail. Too long for this blogpost to just copy&paste it here so I publish the most important part:

Therefore, if you enjoy FT8, or you use it ‘because there is nothing else’, or to work a new one ‘no matter how - just as long as I put it in the log’, we wish you all the very best in your ham radio activity, but the TBDXC is not the Club for you.”

I did a quick read and first thought it was about their HF marathon. But it isn't. They probabely send out this e-mail to everyone both members and participants. I'm not a member of this club and I will never be. I enjoy all kind of communication. I'm not limited to SSB and CW alone. No, the TBDXC is not a club for me. But I like their marathon. 

Luckely the e-mail contained this:

"the TBDXC as a Club is not “against” FT8. This has been said and repeated many times, but, yet again, this essential point is often misunderstood or ignored."

So if you like to participate, and like me you like to do some FT8 and other digimodes as well, you don't have to be a member of the TBDXC. 

Currently I'm 5th in the LP SSB category.

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