
Sunday, November 27, 2022

CQWW DX CW 2022 contest review


Results CQWW DX CW 2022 - yellow=10m, lightblue=15m, blue=20m, green=40m

While I write this the CQWW DX CW contest is still on. But I have had enough CW this weekend. According to the stats I spend 8 hours at the radio this contest, not that much but well spend. My goal was to work the most interesting DXCC and if possible an all time new one if available. Another goal was trying to find some fellow hamradio bloggers. Actually the first contact made this contest was with blogger VE9KK Mike from east coast Canada. I met him again today on 15m. By coincidence I made a contact with blogger AE5X John as well on 20m, not shure he was in contest since I later heard him on 17m with CQ pota. So, the next goal was to find an ATNO....not the easiest task. I found VK9DX this evening on 40m and spend at least a hour to work him in the end. Norfolk Isl. was not yet on my DXCC list.

Well, since I was looking for DX and most of my time spend at the radio in daylight I only worked in 40-10m. Nothing on 160m/80m this time. I really didn't care about the amount of QSOs, the only thing that counted for me is to work the interesting DXCC and stations from my point of view. I think I did well. At least I had fun and hope others did too.

I have to say I did encounter some interesting propagation. At sunday I worked Japan in the afternoon on longpath on 10m. Not long after that I worked a station from the USA while the path was not really open yet to the US. Strangely enough I had to point my beam to south America, directing it to the US made the signal a lot weaker. Later, after sunset 10m closed early today I suddenly worked some stations from the UK, Corsica and Germany.....actually those are normally in the skipzone on 10m.
I think it is a sign propagation is rising fast. Hopefully we will encounter this special propagation again soon in the ARRL 10m contest in December. 


  1. Good evening, Bas, it was a pleasure making the 2 contacts with you in the contest. The funny thing is I remember the contact with John AE5X in that I copied the call and thought "why does that call look so familiar". When I read your post I thought THAT'S was John! I have to apologize to John for being officially "contesty" with him. If it clicked in he would have received the TU and 73 that you did.
    Have a good week and I will be working on my contesting weekend post tonight and tomorrow.

  2. Hello Mike, actually I didn't expect it. Just at the start of the contest I thought I should check RBN if you were active somewere. Then I noticed I had a fair copy of you on 20m. Nr. 1 in this contest was with you. You had a pretty good signal on 15m at sunday. Though there was some QSB as well. Both contact to you were made with the 4 band square halo and 100W. Well you've seen what small antenna it is but strangely enough it performs almost like a full size dipole. 73, Bas

  3. Good to work you, Bas - I never thought I'd work you on CW! You sounded good at my temporary NJ location, easily copied on my mobile set-up. Thanks for the contact!

    Mike - I was activating two POTA sites but didn't log your call from either of them. Maybe it was AE5E or AE5XA you copied...


  4. Hello Bas, just as a follow-up to John's comment, he is absolutely correct. I did a log search in my contest log and now AE5X. In the heat of contesting it may as John pointed out had been a close call to Johns.

  5. Hello Bas,
    I did my own activity in the CQWW CW, running just 5W on solar power I worked about 150 QSOs, mostly on 10-15-20, a few on 40 and 80.
    Fun time, but exhausting.

    Vy 73 de Jan OZ9QV

  6. @VE9KK I followed the discussion Mike, sometimes our minds are blurred. 73, Bas

    @OZ9QV Hello Jan, great to see that the solar system is doing the job although it is almost winter. 150 QSO with 5W is excellent. I guess you only did S&P? 73, Bas

  7. Oh yes, it was exclusively S&P.
    Yes, the solar had been disconnected from load for a few weeks, so there was enough juice to run the contest.
    The solar juice has been extremely poor in November this year. I have projected an expansion of the panel system, but probably not this year.
    73, Jan


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas