
Saturday, July 9, 2022

Amazing 6m propagation 9 July

 Some amazing propagation especially to Japan/South Korea during local morning. It did last for hours, first station I worked was at 07:23 UTC and last at 09:48 UTC. When I switched on the station my screen was already too small to view all the Japanese stations both on 50.313/323. Worked 17 Japanese and 1 South Korean station.

Normally we can see Japan every year but propagation only lasts for 5-10 minutes if you're lucky. This time was different and I saw some of the stations with a -2dB signal. With other words....a SSB QSO would probabely possible!

Note that again PSKR does not register everything. This is probabely only half of the stations I really received. The south korean station was not even displayed despite his strong -5dB signal. Saw many other south korean stations by the way.

When I returned after lunch I saw DG4KLK on KST chat asking for a Q65 test. Well, so far I never made any Q65 QSO.

Till today that is. My first Q65 QSO is a fact.


  1. Good morning Bas, all I can say is WOW very impressive!

  2. ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS RESULTS! You must be so pleased with that. I’m very envious.

    73, Tom, M7MCQ.

  3. Just a matter of being there at the right place at the right time. Call it luck! Don't be envious, you will get your radiomagic. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas