
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

2021 highlights, 2022 goals

 Traditionally this is the last post of the year. Last year I wrote that I hoped not to be infected by covid. Unfortunately it caught us as family. The downside of it all is that I'm not in the mood to do something with my radio hobby. The few things I did during quarantine was cleaning the shack and repairing the main 230V switches. The safety ground issue is still something I'm not satisfied about and it keeps playing in my mind. I have to sort things out.

This year started with my participation in the True Blue DXers Club Ultra Marathon. Many HAMs thought that it was only for those that did only SSB and CW and no FT8. It is not the case, everyone can participate and it is not forbidden to do FT8 as well. But of course only SSB/CW (depending section) QSOs count! So far, I hoped for some more SSB QSOs. Unfortunately time didn't allow me to make as many as I did FT8 QSOs. It is simply a matter of how easy you can make a FT8 QSO and how difficult and time consuming it is to make a SSB QSO. Besides that, FT8 is much more suitable to work remote from the living room while doing other things at the same time. I made over 2000 SSB QSOs this year according to the TBDXC marathon score server.

Of course I continued with DXing, something I love to do most on HF radio. Especially the 60m and 6m had my interest this year. I worked 8 new 60m DXCC this year but heard (seen) at least 16 new DXCC. It frustrates me sometimes I didn't work everything. Sometimes I was just too late, or it was just a too busy pile-up. In the end I probabely get another chance another year. What can I tell, I worked 177 DXCC on 60m till now, I think that is not bad at all. The ES season took off really well in April and I did surprisingly well I think with 20 new band DXCC giving me a total of 103 DXCC on 6m. 4m DX was rather disappointing, I only worked 2 new ones. What can I say, I shouldn't complain I think. There is always a next season...

Personally I think my most important post this year was about the discovery of the WW2 paraset (spy radio) manual. After my first post about it in March  I got many replies and requests. The story and manual is published at the cryptomuseum and after some research it was decided to give the actual "paracette" an own page. The story was also published in our local amateurradio magazine "Hunsotron" and in the national VERON magazine "Electron". After all it is an unique document, the only one known in the world.

I did some antenna experimenting as well. Changing the magnetic loop with some additional features and did some modifications to my all band vertical. Unfortunately the 5 band quad is still an idea. Will I ever build it? I really like to tinker with antennas to improve the station. Although I have still a lot to learn. So many ideas and not enough time...

And now my goals for 2022. When I look back at my goals for this past year I actually did well. Except may be not building a 5 band quad. I had a lot of ideas for next year. One of these was a 2022 challenge idea. Unfortunately I had not foreseen what would happen this month. I'm sorry but at this moment I partly lost my interest in the radiohobby at this moment of time. I really can't think of any goals for next year. So I keep it simple, no goals.

However, my dear blog readers, time and life goes on. I wish you and yours all a prosperous 2022.


  1. Hallo Bas, de aantallen qso's die jij in een jaar maakt heb ik in 45 jaar niet gemaakt. :-) Die automatische qso's met FT8 vind ik... nee ik zeg het niet. Ik haal voldoening uit een 1 of 2 qso's per dag. Maar goed iedereen doet de hobby op z'n eigen manier. Ik hoop dat je weer snel opknapt van corona. Ik ben de dans tot nu toe ontsnapt. Niet dat ik heel bang ben voor corona maar wel voorzichtig. Ik ben wel 73 dus val in de groep waar de meeste klappen vallen. Intussen wel de booster gehad. Beterschap en ik hoop je nog eens een keer te werken in 2022. Fijne jaarwisseling, 73 Paul

    1. Fijne jaarwisseling Paul. Ik hoor van meer mensen die corona gehad hebben dat ze erg moe zijn. We gaan het zien in het nieuwe jaar. FT8 is leuk maar het geeft niet echt voldoening. D.w.z. misschien als je QRP zit en een kleine antenne gebruikt vanuit het centrum van een stad waar veel QRM is, dan is het misschien nog een uitdaging. Voor iemand met een redelijke antenne en 100W vermogen niet. De hele wereld is gewoon te werken, elke dag. Misschien doe ik het volgend jaar wat rustiger aan. 73, Bas

    2. Inderdaad ontvang ik de hele wereld inmiddels met FT8. En dat nog in een relatief laag zonnevlekken gehalte. Mijn uitdaging is idd QRP en dan zien hoe ver we komen. Uiteraard hebben de mannen met grote antennes een voorsprong. Maar goed, het uitgangspunt voor QRP is max 5 watt met een draad of vertical met 0 dB winst. Het schijnt dat long covid best lang kan duren, rustig aan doen lijkt me. 73 Paul


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas