
Thursday, November 4, 2021

#CQWW DX SSB Contest 2021 review


Event: CQWW DX SSB contest 2021

Section: SO Low Assisted 10M

Logger: N1MM+ 
Station: Icom IC-7300 @100W
Antenna 1: 10m LFA @14m
Antenna 2: Multiband vertical @16m
Antenna 3: 2x20m inverted-V doublet

Wow, what a great CQWW SSB contest it was. I really concentrated my efforts to 10M this time. The amount of QSOs on 80m is from running in the evening since 10M was open late and closed early. But when 10M was open it was really open.

Yellow: QSOs made on 10M

Can't remember I had such long runs to the USA ever before. Thanks to some DXcluster spots of course. But also heard from several stations I had an excellent signal. Stations kept coming for at least an hour with a rate of about 75/h it was not like a 80m run (120/h) but very nice for 10m.

I worked some nice DX on other bands as well. But my main focus was 10m. In previous years I made a list per band from interesting DX worked, this year I will only take the 10m band.

Most interesting DX worked: CB8E (Chile), PZ5RA (Surinam), V26B (Antigua&Barbuda), VP9I (Bermuda), HC5VF (Ecuador), OX7A (Greenland), HD8R (Galapagos Isl.), V3A (Belize), 7P8RU (Lesotho), PJ4K (Bonaire), PJ2T (Curacao), V51JP (Namibia), 7Q6M (Malawi), 5Z4VJ (Kenya), VK6N (Australia), BA7LOK (China), HS5NMF (Thailand), VU2DED (India), ZS9Z (RSA), PY0F (Fernando de Noronha), NP2X (US Virgin Isl.), FG5GP (Guadeloupe), D4F (Cape Verde), FR4KR (Reunion Isl.), YF9PBZ (Indonesia), FY5KE (French Guyana), HL2WA (South Korea), JA6MWW (Japan), 9G5FI (Ghana), VR2T (Hong Kong), UN4L (Kazachstan)

Worked much more DXCC but personally above are the most interesting from my point of view.

But the most memorable contact during the contest was actually made by accident. I was tuning in near 29MHz and noticed I could hear some FM signals from the USA. Then I heard AE7KI Gerry from Tennessee calling on 29.600MHz FM with a 57 signal. I just gave him a shout and we made a short QSO. This was my first FM QSO with the USA ever. You can imagine how signals from the US came in here.

Hopefully the 10M propagation will be just as good during the ARRL 10M contest in December...


  1. Fantastic results Bas - you seem to have worked every corner of the planet. I believe that pre-contest CME enhanced rather than harmed propagation. I wish I'd been able to work you - I see you worked several of my neighbors. Here's hoping for similar conditions for CQWW-CW and more DX contests to come.

    Congrats on your results here!


    1. Hello John, yes I worked some from your area. I already did read the reply on your blog that you tried. But sometimes 10m propagation can land very local, just like 6m. I hope we will meet again sometime. Compared to Franki ON5ZO I'm just a little pistol with small antennas. But on the other hand, even a little pistol can do great when propagation is good. Will take part in the CQWW CW but not shure yet which band. 73, Bas

  2. Good morning Bas, a very nice list of worked DX! I have to stay away from the SSB contest as that mode in the past has given me RFI issues with those around me. But as John was saying in his comment, I am looking forward to the CQWW-CW contest coming up.

    1. If you have RFI with SSB you will have it with CW as well. Anyway, it's just everyones choice how to enjoy the hobby. I will take part in the CQWW CW but not as much as the SSB contest. 73, Bas

  3. Hallo Bas, zo dat is behoorlijk, ik ben onder de indruk. Geweldig gedaan. 73 Paul


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas