
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Waiting for the ES-season, Australia on 10m

 Finally there was some time for radio again today. Of course I had high expectations for some good ES on 10, 6 and 4m. However.... but at least there was some F2 propagation on 10m. Some DX was made with Pakistan, Kuwait and Australia. I also saw Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, Thailand and UAE but didn't get my signal there since I was not the only one calling. Still I imagine that my receive is far better as my transmitting abilities. And although I didn't work all the DX available it is receiving the DX that is most important for a HAMradio station.

Later there was some Africa and South America that could be received. Not a bad day at all after all. The ES propagation was reasonable, I received stations from all over Europe but they were not that strong. It could be a whole other situation tomorrow...

I checked for SSB signals on 10m a few times, but nothing could be heard. Actually checked 11m as well, nothing heard. FT8 gives a lot of DX opportunities that otherwise would not be possible at all...

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Bas! I absolutely agree that it is good reception that is the most important thing. With only ~5W when portable, I suppose I would say that! But it is true. When at the coast the other day, on 15m, I never heard so many YB stations as then. Almost every signal on the FT8 waterfall was YB/YC/YE, etc, and also one VK5. Amazing! I couldn't work any, but that was more because of too much crowding and also a rocky coast, where ground losses are high compared to the beach.


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas