
Friday, April 9, 2021

#60m Mozambique worked

 Another new one on the 60m band worked. I feel very lucky these days. I was unable to work new DXCC for weeks and now within a few days I worked 2 new DXCC on the 60m band. Now, I've worked Mozambique before on other bands of course. It always reminds me about the first time I worked Mozambique on the airwaves. It was in 1989 and there was a war going on in Mozambique. Some south african 11m DXers did dare to cross the border anyway and activated a rare DXCC at that time. They eventually had to flee for the mortar fire after a few days and leave their antennas behind. You can imagine I found that very impressive and still cherish the QSL card and story in one of my 11m DX QSL collection books. 

Unfortunately the RU DXpedition has chosen the normal FT8 frequency to operate F/H. The problem only is that HAM operators from the United Kingdom are not allowed to transmit above 1000Hz. No chance for them to make the QSO. Of course some very frustrated operators jammed the signal from C92RU and I do understand their actions. It would be better for a DXpedtion to transmit on 5356KHz or 5356,5KHz dail.


  1. More congratulations! But that station, like most DXpeditions, is really ruining WSPR on 20m. Someone needs to sort this problem out...

    1. Yes, indeed the DXpedition frequency on 20m is choosen very very wrong. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas