
Friday, February 12, 2021

Dutch PACC contest 2021 this weekend

Almost forgot but this weekend there is famous Dutch PACC contest. Multipliers are the dutch provences. You can find info on this site: 

For a english version you have to click the last blue button on top of that site. 

Actually the last few years my goal was to win the low power SSB section. I was planning to contest weeks before and made studies of propagation and erected extra antennas. I won that section last year. What's left? I will probabely never participate in a high power section and don't master CW good enough to take part in the CW section. So, what's left is the QRP section. I did participate in this section before in 2015 (117 QSOs) and 2016 (245 QSOs). The QRP section is a mixed section which makes it very difficult for those that are not really into CW like me. However, my CW skills are better as years ago and so is my equipment. I will use the IC-7300 with power setting to 5% (5W). I think I will do mostly S&P . Don't expect big signals from me on 80m like other years. I'll try to do my best but will not be too fanatic as my intention is not to win this section, participating is enough for me.


  1. Good morning Bas, yes I know this is one of your favourite contests, and you have done very well. The 7300 is a great rig for QRP and S&P for sure in this category would be the way to go. In S&P the waterfall can be very helpful to navigate your way down the band. With the waterfall you can very fast determine if a band is open for contest action, it can save lots to time. Well good luck and if I am on the radio I will be listening for Dutch signals.

    1. Hello Mike, I would say I hope to work you. But with QRP I think it will be almost impossible right now. The spectrum screen in N1MM (waterfall) will certainly help a lot. 73, Bas

  2. Succes Bas. Ook ik doe mee in de QRP sectie.
    Kijken wat het wordt want mijn antenne is niet zo geschikt voor 80m.

    73, Tjeerd

    1. Ben benieuwd naar je resultaten Tjeerd. 73, Bas

    2. Het viel tegen Bas. Mijn doel was minimaal 50 qso's, bij 31 bleef ik steken.
      Condx was erg wisselend. Vanmorgen ging het even leuk op 15M.

      73, Tjeerd

    3. Valt ook niet mee in jouw situatie. Toch nog knap 31 QSO. 73, Bas

  3. Hope it's going well. If only I had read your blog post before going out to test my FT-818, then I would have realised it was going to be a bad day not to be a PA station! Still, I managed a few non-contest QSOs!

    1. I'm sorry John. But why fight? Just making a few contest QSOs can't be that bad. It amazed me what I've worked with QRP 5W only. Read my story in the next post. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas