For future experiments and the one done recently I really need a antenna current meter. Best is something that shows the balance as well since that is one of the features a S-match offers. Another thing you can measure of course is the RF current which should be as high as possible. That way it's possibible to compare antennatuners on open line.
PA0FRI has a good design on his site. Components are not really critical as long as they are the same for both lines.
Because I didn't know if it would work well I decided I would not build the meters in a box yet.
Now, I was very curious about my antenna system (2x 20m inverted-V "doublet") balance...first test on 10m behind the S-match tuner shows a reasonable balance. It's not perfect but close, nothing is perfect in the real world.
On 20m, the system behind the S-match is almost perfect in balance.
Left is 50W on 60m with the Palstar AT1KM (with 1:4 ruthroff balun inside).
Right is 50W on 60m with the S-match.
It clearly shows a unbalance with the Palstar, the S-match does a fine job in balancing.
I can show more pictures but it is not necessary I think. Other bands all showed the current in balance. I also tested with the Palstar, except 60m all other bands had a balanced current on the open line.
Well, I finally managed to get the meters in a box...
The tiny lightbulb lighting in this combo was still intact. Wow, it looks pretty nice...
Scrap parts remember! It looks very professional after all...
Very nice, Bas! That can go next on my list of things to do on a stormy day!