
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

#CQWW DX SSB contest 2020 - breaking the barrier

Event: CQWW DX SSB 2020 
Section: Single Operator Low Power All Band 
Logger: N1MM+ newest version 
Station: Icom IC-7300 100W 
Antenna 1: Multiband Inverted-V 2x20m ladderline fed, apex @12m
Antenna 2: Multiband vertical @16m used on 15m/10m 
Antenna 3: 4 element LFA for 10m @14m

This CQWW contest was the first time I was breaking the 1000 QSO barrier. Never, even not in the cycle maximum, have I made so many QSOs in a contest before. It was great fun and all 6 bands could be used. Never expected but I even made some QSOs with USA/Canada on 10m. Remember we are just past the sunspot minimum, if you believe it! 

It was great fun and due to the excellent propagation it was difficult to choose the right band. So my strategy was to stay as long as I could on the higher bands 10m and 15m before propagation was over. It was astonishing to receive Brazilian stations on 10m with 59+! But also on 20m I received USA/Canadian stations with 59+ like they were locals. I really worked great DX although I missed some as well. I did hear JA stations on 40m and 20m but could not work them, same for a few VK stations. Well, you can't have everything.

Not all QSOs displayed, only per DXCC. Green is 10m. Lightblue is 15m.


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas