
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Longest day DX

21st of june, longest days of the year at the northern hemisphere. A excellent day to try for DX on the upper HF bands and VHF. With my new 5/5 element 4/6m yagi I've been trying today and worked several new ones on 6m and 4m. Not that there was top propagation, there was much QSB and it was just a matter of waiting for the right time, the right moment. I already noticed that DX on the (for me new) 70MHz (4m) band is something totally different from the 50MHz (6m) band. There is much more challenge in it and I like the difficulties. Almost every contact on that band is a new one for me and the past week I already managed to make some DX. Today I managed to work my longest distance till now with TF8SM (Iceland) +2000km which is DXCC nr. 9 on the 4m band.

So far most of the day you can't hear anything on the 4m band. So I check 6m regularly. Especially around 8:30-9 UTC there could be interesting DX I know. So you have to be there listening when it occurs, it could be there for 5-10 minutes and gone the next moment. Yesterday I just missed TT8SN from Chad, I was 5 minutes too late.
I heard a few stations from Japan this morning, all of them already worked last year. I also tried for 2 stations in Korea who had a excellent signal here, but no luck today. Bad luck with JW4PUA from Svalbard as well, he had a strong signal and I was heard. But no QSO unfortunately. Next time better....But I had luck as well. Worked OD5KU (Lebanon), ZA5G (Albania) and C31CT (Andorra) for 3 new ones on the 6m band today.

You probabely think now that I was on the radio all the time, but I was not. I just checked once and a while. Sometimes remote with my phone from the garden, sometimes I got into the shack. I noticed signals on 6m gone very faint in the afternoon, only a few hard to copy signals from eastern europe. So I checked the 10m band propagation and after a few minutes I saw a CQ from 4S7AB (Sri Lanka). A few calls later I was in the log, a new one for me on 10m. I already noticed extraordinairy propagation on 10m in the past week when I worked N7XR and K7RL from the state of Washington (west coast) USA late in the afternoon on Wednesday.

Found a video from TF8SM on the net:


  1. Hi Bas, the 5 ele dualbander is doing fine, isn't it? I have build the same antenna, best DX until now (on 4m): Bahrein, 4000+ km's!
    Good luck, good dx!
    73, Aloys PA3DAT

    1. Did not see Bahrain yet. But I guess I will hopefully next weekend or so. Indeed the dualband yagi works very well. 73, Bas

  2. Bas, blij te zien dat toch een van ons twee actief is en plezier beleeft. Het lukt hier momenteel even niet, teveel andere dingen aan mijn hoofd (en handen HI).
    Ik lees het graag!
    73 / Franki

    1. Hallo Franki, ja ik snap het hoor. Ik probeer zo veel tijd vrij te maken voor de hobby als lukt. Maar heb ook nog aantal projecten die komen gaan en dan lukt het even niet. Echter lezen/schrijven doe ik vaak in de pauze op mijn werk en dan beleef ik de hobby toch nog een beetje. 73, Bas

  3. Hallo Bas, mooie afstanden met de 5/5 yagi. En nu nog een drone filmpje van jouw antenne park. 73 Paul

    1. Ja Paul dat was nog wel wat. Misschien iemand die dat een keer voor mij kan maken. 73, Bas

  4. Great stuff! It's a good year for DX at upper HF. I have been to TF8SM's town and seen the antenna!

    1. I'm really surprised with the propagation John. Nice you've bee there. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas