
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Business model

3 years ago I made a QSO with R44YETI/7 on 15m. Today I got an e-mail apparently from the QSL manager RM0L Valery. He was writing that I could order a special QSL from this unique Russian YETI expedition, at the cost of only 3 USD. And not only a QSL....I could choose to include a special poststamp block of 4 stamps, then it would cost me only 8 USD. It would include a special diploma as well. Wow, I can't imagine someone is really buying this kind of stuff...

Wait, that was not all. If you really want it you can order a special R44YETI 3D wood QSL which takes 6 hours of woodworking to make for just 35 USD. It is amazing....

Well, I'm shure Valery is trying to do his best. But this is clearly a business model I don't like. You know I rarely pay for a QSL. I think a confirmation of a QSO should be for free. Personally I think this goes way too far....


  1. For once, I disagree, though I understand your disquiet with the commercialisation of QSOs. I would gladly pay for that wood QSL, if only for the curiosity value, and the fact that Kamchatka is so magical. Sadly, I didn't even know of the operation, let alone make a QSO, though I have made plenty of other Pacific coast Russia QSOs.

    1. Well, John, of course I write my own opinion on my blog. But I respect others if they disagree. Actually the world would be so boring if everyone had the same opinion. I hope Valery can make some money with this business...Personally I would never think of turning QSL in a commercial product like this. 73, Bas

  2. I agree with you Bas. The ONLY way I'd be interested in such a thing would be if it was from a contact with the King of Jordan or something similar, lol.

  3. "I think a confirmation of a QSO should be free."

    Are you saying that DXers should consider it an obligation to QSL?

    1. Hello John, no not a obligation. A free choice. Free in the meaning of for free. No money involved. No commercial *&$!. Just my opinion, you know that. I've changed the text in my blogpost...73, Bas

  4. By the way, I wrote I rarely pay for a QSL. I do in case of a really rare QSL or in case of help people in need. The Mercy Ships DXpeditions a few years ago were a example of something I would pay for. But I consider the YETI DXpedtion not really rare, other people will probabely disagree. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas