
Monday, February 10, 2020


During the PACC the wind was building up. Storm Ciara already arrived earlier as expected and before the contest was over. I had no problems to remove the 3 band endfed after the contest, it survived the high winds. The problem was lowering the tower because the wind pressed the inner tower section to the outer section. But with patience I succeeded. It feels better now. We still have large winds and it will hold on for the next few days. So I will suspend my radio activity for now. I might extend the tower again this thursday if weather allows.

Below a video just to get a impression...


  1. Zondag komt er weer wat. Dus maar even ingeschoven laten. Er is een app (windfinder) laat het prima zien. Nog gefeliciteerd met je score.

    1. Hallo Jan, ik gebruik zelf Windy dat is net zoiets. Zondag rond 17 uur weer 7bft dus moet ff kijken wat ik ga doen. Probleem is eigenlijk dat ik nu niks kan op mijn geliefde 60m band omdat de inverted-V helemaal op de grond ligt.

      Vond het leuk om bovenaan bij de live contest scores te staan samen met jou. Dan jij weer bovenaan en dan ik weer bovenaan. Uiteindelijk maakte jij nog een mooie eindsprint terwijl ik een beetje achter bleef. Jammer dat er niet meer amateurs in de live score te zien waren. Is altijd leuk om jezelf te vergelijken met een ander.

      73, Bas

  2. Hi Bas - I'm glad your station survived the storm with no damage. I always get nervous when strong storms blow in. It's nice to be able to lower the tower.
    73 - John

    1. Hello John, this is a very old tower which survived a lot of storms. I estimate the tower is at least 40 years old but still in excellent condition. It is indeed very nice it is telescopic. I don't think the tower will be damaged by the wind. But I don't know what happens to the top tubing and the rotor. There is still a lot of wind now. And the next storm (Dennis) is arriving in the weekend. I might turn it to the ground next thursday. That will mean no radio time. But that's no problem, there are plenty of other things that keep me busy. 73, Bas

    2. I don't want this pilot's job (during Ciara):

  3. Woah! Gives me bad nerves. All still fitmly down here for several days to come...

    1. Next storm (Dennis) is arriving this weekend...I think I will turn the complete tower to the ground before any damage occurs. 73, Bas

  4. I also couthg ciara storm i arrived at Den Helder naval base two days a go and it was not easy.


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas