
Sunday, January 12, 2020

#10m propagation 12-Jan. - strong ES

Wow, there was strong ES again. Signals were booming. No real DX though FR4OO spotted me on PSK reporter. I expected south america at least but it didn't happen. Others had more luck as I saw several stations contacted VP8LP from the Falklands.

It was fun and besides my robot contacts I was on the radio myself in both FT8 and SSB/CW.
Results 58 FT8, 1 CW and 10 SSB contacts in the log.

Today was certainly good into the east direction till early in the evening. When OY (Faroer Isl.) stations came in strong (9+30dB) I tried voor north america but no luck. From the map you can see that I didn't hear much from Spain or Portugal. I wonder if others did?

1 comment:

  1. like you Bas, i swung to NA/SA expecting something to happen...but it that radio for you.
    good fun E's opening with lots of life!


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas