
Saturday, November 2, 2019

10m FT8 Sat. 2-Nov-2019

I hope 10m will open today. I hear that many times. Check 10m out and call CQ! I'm happy there is FT8. This is the populair mode now and reveals DX that would otherwise be missed. Today I had a lucky contact on 10m with Z81B (South Sudan). Of course I cannot be at the radio for 12 hours a day at daylight time otherwise more DX could have been possible....

It is impossible for me to monitor every day of the week. But I think a path to Africa opens every day these days. The only problem is that there are not many stations in that continent. 


  1. Great contact Bas and who would think that 10m was open to DX! I guess we get it in our head that during the low end of the solar cycle these bands are dead and closed. You have given me the urge to check out 10m using FT8 to see that I can find.

  2. Congrats! Looks that 10m can be hot to many places. I was really surprised to make an effortless contact with the recent D6 dxped using my 12m high vertical - which should be much of a cloudwarmer. The opening didn't last long, maybe 10 minutex when they were workable for me. Just wondering if that's because of the Sun or Autumn conx - my bet it's our Star after I had an audible copy of ZL station today on 15m (near antipodes here).

    All the best,
    Paul. sq5nry

    1. Tnx for the comment Paul. 10m is the magic band these days. With a vertical is no problem when propagation is good. I use a 4 element LFA yagi at 12m at the moment. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas