
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Learning the IC-7300

Sorry I didn't write much in my blog over the last few weeks. I didn't have much time and all the time I had for radio has gone into learning about my IC-7300 setup. A disadvantage of this radio is that there are too many options. And to use the radio to the max you need to have it all right. One of the first things I wanted to do is the setup for SSB. I also bought a new headset, a Heil Proset Elite IC. Completely different from my previous cheap chinese headset I used for over 10 years on my IC-706 (actually it features already in a video from 2007!). I'm not shure if it is a little overkill, but the quality seems to be good. However, you need to have the settings on the IC-7300 right to have it sound really good. Since the IC-7300 has a WIDE, MID and NAR setting you should be able to hear a difference especially in a noisy environment and with a weak signal. But actually.....I don't hear much difference, that could be due to the 2,4KHz filter from the webSDR but I think most operators listen 2,4KHz or smaller. The only difference that amazed me was between the original mike and the heil headset when working QRP 5W recorded at a webSDR online.

Setup on receiver side: WebSDR TU Twente (Enschede JO32kf), 80m, filter 2,4Khz, notchfilter on.

Some audio files from my test:

Wide, Mid, Narrow audio bandwidth transmission comparisation.

Heil headset compared to IC-7300 handmike.

QRP 5W Heil headset compared to IC-7300 handmike.

The old (left) chinese made SOFTE headset and PTT footswitch. And at the right the new Heil ProSet Elite IC with Heil PTT footswitch.

I've been listening these recordings several times and come to the conclusion that unless you want to use your IC-7300 for the so called eSSB, there is no use for the bandwidth settings. However if you think I'm wrong I hope to read that in the comments...


  1. Good evening Bas, it's so true the Heil is a very good product and I had the pro for some time. I agree when it comes to the Icom radio with all the settings. With the 7610 it is the same way and I know for sure when I unpack the radio and set it up I am for sure going to need to re-read the manual as all the knowledge of the radios features have long gone from my very short memory. But I do find that when I go over the manual again I end up finding out more info about the radio and features.
    73 and have a great time with the learning curve Bas.

    1. Tnx Mike, the IC-7610 is similair I think. Though has many more features. Hope you'll soon have the time for your radio hobby. 73, Bas

  2. I'm listening to those recordings with the clothes drier on, and I can't hear any better with the compression changes.

    Heil headset. Hmm. How complex can one make some thin speakers and a microphone? My aviation headset it now only £85!

    1. Hello John, far all comments I got (e-mial, fb) didn't hear any difference. Heil....yes is is overprized. My chinese headset including footswitch was about €40. The heil...well, you know what is costs. But I have to say the quality seems to be better as the chinese headset and I hope this will last for at least 20 years to come. 73, Bas

  3. Hallo Bas, ik wist niet dat jij de IC7300 had aangeschaft. Is me denk ik ontgaan. Maar gefeliciteerd, het lijkt me een prima transceiver. De Heil Headset klinkt wat mij betreft het beste. Met de komst van veel nieuwe transceivers op de markt valt mij op dat het instellen en gebruik wel heel veel mogelijkheden heeft. Ik ben al een old timer en heb het liefst zo weinig mogelijk knoppen op de set. ;-) Maar ja, de techniek gaat natuurlijk gewoon door. 73 Paul

    1. Jazeker Paul, is alweer een paar weken geleden dat ik hem eindelijk heb aangeschaft. Ben er zeer tevreden over maar het heeft even tijd nodig om alle functies in te stellen en te begrijpen. Maar ondertussen ben ik al een paar stappen verder. Echt testen er mee heb ik nog niet gedaan, bijna alleen digimode contacten tot nu toe. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas