
Monday, July 22, 2019

VERON 2 m experiment report

Find it here in "google" english. Please swap the description "radiant heater" for a vertical antenna in the story. To make this a success they should organise a event like this every month. A good idea would be a mission every participant has to accomplish, they do that in the JS8Call community as well. Like a total distance (can be counted with locator), operator ages, power used or whatever you can imagine to be interesting. Just making a QSO is not interesting for most people. Besides that you should try to activate clubstations that function as leaders on the frequency for a given area, so people can call on a specific frequency and always get a response.

 In the mean time the dutch radio authorities AT came with this response:

  "In a first response to the letter, Agentschap Telecom indicates that France's proposal fits in with Dutch frequency policy. The basic principle here is that joint use and shared use of frequency space is encouraged." "The NVC (National Preparation Committee) still needs to meet on this to decide on the proposal from France. Agentschap Telecom indicates that it is necessary to take a good look at the actual use and to have insight into the compatibility."

Personally I've no feeling with the 2m band but for local contacts it is excellent of course. 2m band activities are very very low here. The only thing you sometimes hear is a repeater that is opening without anyone calling and of course FT8 signals. Since AT is suggesting to take a good look at the actual use we should really going to get it occupied now.

You probabely can imagine, I have my doubts about it...

1 comment:

  1. It's difficult for me, too. There is essentially zero 2m activity here, which takes in a very large area of the Irish Sea coast of the UK and Ireland. That's not to say I support giving up 2m. Bu I also don't think that artificially increasing band use to support a false argument that it is ordinarily used that much is an honest way to go about things.


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas