
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Best feature from JS8call

My personal opinion that the message feature in JS8call is the best feature of all for this digimode software. Above the message received notice from OH8STN Julian after I send him a message a day earlier. The nice thing is that if the station you want to send a message to doesn't have to be on air. You can store the message locally or at another station. As soon as the station appears on the band there is a notice send out that there is a message with a ident number. You can pick it up with the query msg command. How things work exactly can be seen in this video from OH8STN:


  1. Hopefully JS8 activity will gradually pick up also in Europe. Seems a great development..
    Great blog of yours..
    73, Ruediger, DF2GR

    1. Hopefully it does, it would be a lot more interesting. The developer does his best to keep this mode interesting. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas