
Sunday, March 10, 2019

#60m VR2ZUZ Hong Kong

If you are on the 60m band quite often like me you get to know what direction the propagation is best at what time. I knew that about one hour before sunset shortpath propagation can be good to the east. I saw a VU2 from India yesterday and saw my signal spotted in Phillipines, India and New Zealand at that time. And indeed my signal was spotted again in the east region. Suddenly there was VR2ZUZ from Hong Kong. A weak signal half covered by a european station but decodable at -21dB. I had to finish my QSO that was going on and immidiatly called with succes. It took a few overs but at the end I got the RR73.

Most interesting was who received VR2ZUZ in the Netherlands at that time...

Only 3 stations received Tony. PG0DX with -15dB, PA4O with -19dB and me with a peak -17dB.
I worked him on my shunt fed vertical polarisation tower. After the QSO I tried to receive him with the inverted-V but nothing could be decoded.

Thanks for the new one Tony!


  1. Well done Sebastiaan, keep up the good work ! 73s Henry PG0DX

  2. Well done! Maybe I'll switch my additional wire into the 40m half sloper later and see what I hear!


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas