
Friday, February 15, 2019

What's your occupation?

A typical day at my job.
Years ago when I was still a 11m/CB radioamateur I was asked many times in QSOs "What is you occupation" a usual question in those days. And a greatful subject to talk about on the air. I haven't been asked ever on the HAM radio amateurbands. Could be this is not really something to talk about? Or did they in the past and is this question taboo now? Occupation has many translations but in this context it does mean what your profession is, your job, what you're doing for your living. Most people do, some do not because of their health. Most radioamateurs are retired but had a job or more jobs in their lifetime.

My job at the moment is difficult to explain sometimes. Officially my profession is electrician. I've been a electrician for a few years but don't like the work actually. So I have been a operator in factories for years. But since working in shifts is not for everyone and certainly not for me as I did get sick of it. I was lucky to get a job as a allround technician at a shop in (and now near) my village on a daily basis. It is a allround job, repairing almost everything the shop sells. In the first years we also sold agricultural corn dryers and remote electric driven garage doors. I had, because of my profession, a lot do do with the process and installation. But now these days we mainly repair lawnmowers, garden equipment, high pressure gear, electric powertool equipment and forced air heaters. We deliver parts as well from all kind of brands and we not only repair what we sold but everything that comes into the shop for repair. It is a interesting job with sometimes a challenge to solve a problem. And it is always nice to have satisfied and happy customers.

Since it seems no one is asking and so no one is ever telling....I ask you readers following this blog. Tell us more about your job, or what your job was since most HAMs are retired these days...


  1. Hallo Bas, Inmiddels ben ik al 11 jaar met pensioen. Ik mocht nog met 60 jaar stoppen. Iets wat velen niet meer kunnen. Ik ben op mijn 19e de verpleging in gegaan A ziekenhuis. Ik ben op mijn 27e hoofd hartbewaking en cardiologie geworden. Eind jaren negentig clusterhoofd interne geneeskunde. Verder altijd leidinggevende geweest tot aan mijn pensioen. Daarmee was mijn hobby qua kennis tegengesteld aan mijn beroep. Ik heb er hard voor moeten leren om de stof eigen te maken. Maar ik was gek van radio, dus het moest toch gaan gebeuren. In 1976 toen mijn C gehaald en een jaar later mijn A machtiging. Leuk om dit te peilen onder je lezers. Weer eens wat anders. 73 Paul

  2. Hello Bas, very good question and yes in ham radio it is rarely asked but when at dinner parties it’s asked all the time. As for me I work for an Electrical utility as a high voltage sub-station electrician. The voltages I work with is from 4KV up to 230 KV. I have been doing this for over 30 years and retire this year. We are out in all types of weather year around.

  3. Interesting work, Bas! When I do return to SSB occasionally, I do find discussion of work is frequent, and is helped by putting something about your working life or interests on your page. I've spoken to pilots, on and off the ground, TV presenters, SR-71 refuelling operators, meteorologists (often in very remote places), one of the USA's leading immigration lawyers, salmon farmers, professional astronomers, and far too many radio engineers! It's very interesting to have those discussions, and very difficult to imagine where you would come across such a diversity elsewhere. Sadly, my own work (which I no longer do) as a microbiologist is not very interesting to others!

  4. Actually I had thought to get a lot more comments from people telling about their jobs. It would be very interesting since their is much diversity like John wrote here. Probabely people think their daily job is not interesting for other people from a hobby perspective. Microbiology or health care is not what you expect in a technical hobby like this. However I like to hear from people what they are doing for a living. It doesn't matter what. Could be also one word like: Dentist, butler, archeologist or pilot. anyone? 73, Bas

  5. I too was surprised Bas that you did not get more comments with this question.
    73, Mike


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas