
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

PACC 2019 contest upcoming weekend

PACC contest 2019 upcoming weekend

Event: PACC 2019 contest
Modes: SSB/CW
Date: 9-10 Febr. 2019 12:00-12:00 UTC (24hrs)
Exchange: RS(T) + Province abbreviation of 2 letters, foreign: RS(T) + serial starting at 001
Foreign rules:
Dutch rules:

The PACC contest is the most important contest for Dutch radioamateurs. The nice thing is that everyone has to work the Netherlands so we dutch HAMs finally get a response on a CQ when calling. The only problem is that the CQWW WPX RTTY contest is going on in the same weekend. That means all the important big contest stations outside the Netherlands are not participating in the PACC unfortunately. Anyway, that doesn't matter as the PACC is a fun contest and if you send in a log with your address you will receive a very nice token of merit. I don't know of any contest that sends such a token and it is much appreciated.

Hopefully all of you readers will participate. Although not everyone likes to contest of course. But even if you don't want to really participate you can use this contest to test a antenna setup or just give a point to a known station (like me ;-))...

Lees deze handige tips voor de PACC en voor de setup van N1MM+ met additionele files:

Hopefully my radio will hold for this contest. Again the radio is sometimes not functioning like the PLL is not locking, I receive but with a lot of noise and hiss and stations sound like they all have a cold. Same for TX, modulation sounds if I have a bad cold and almost lost my voice. This is happening more often as last year. I guess at some point the radio will be completely dead.


  1. Hallo Bas, oh, dan alweer? Zaterdag zit ik al helemaal vol met andere dingen. Zondag gaat wel wat lukken denk ik. Alvast succes. 73 Paul

    1. De voorspellingen wat betreft de band condities zien er beroerd uit dit weekend. Maar goed we zien wel. Je weet meer nooit. Paul

  2. Hallo Bas, ondanks het feit dat ik bijna geen tijd heb, (ik stuur je binnenkort wel een mail) zal ik proberen om je met de PACC te werken.
    Heel veel succes Bas, 73 Hans, PE1BVQ


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas