
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

WSJT-X 2 versus FT8Call

K1JT Joe wrote:

"Many have noticed signals in the 7.078 and 14.078 MHz sub-bands that look like FT8 but are undecodable. These appear to be “FT8CALL” 
signals. FT8CALL is *not* FT8 — and probably it should not have “FT8” 
in its name. It appears that the author of FT8CALL did not bother to select a different Costas array for synchronization. If the legacy FT8 decoder is enabled, WSJT-X will waste time fruitlessly trying to decode these non-FT8 messages."

KN4CRD Jordan wrote in answer on that:

Howdy folks! We've just surpassed 5000 testers of FT8Call! I've heard of some really great QSOs happening and hope there are many more in y'all's future. I also keep getting loads of emails about a couple recent I wanted to make an announcement to help communicate with y'all.

The WSJT-X group has started testing their new release (2.0 RC1) of WSJT-X and have chosen 7.078 and 14.078 MHz to trial the new FT8 features. These are two frequencies where you'll find FT8Call operators. What this means is that if you're operating FT8Call, you might see some signals transmitting every other interval in the waterfall and those signals will not decode. Those signals are likely the WSJT-X 2.0 FT8 signals. It should be nothing to worry about, as there is plenty of room for all of us on the band. But, if you run into problems, please let me know.

Next up, FT8Call is Free Software. It is and will always be free. Free as in beer and free as in speech. Meaning, you will never have to pay for it, and, you can do with it what you want. It is a derivative of WSJT-X, is open source, and licensed under the GPLv3.

The last question I am getting is about the name "FT8Call" which was likely prompted by a particular statement made by K1JT today. I want to point you to the history section of the documentation where I've explained the timeline of the experiment and further why FT8Call is named the way it is: 

You might be asking...why is this named FT8Call? Why not something else, like JS8Call or HF Messenger? Good question! It is named this way an homage to its heritage:

FT8Call uses FT8 modulation (Franke-Taylor design, 8-FSK modulation). More specifically it uses the same modulation and demodulation engine developed by the WSJT-X group. This is the base RF transport.

FT8Call has a directed “calling” protocol laid over top the base RF transport to support free-form and directed message passing.

 Hence FT8 + Call = FT8Call.

I hope this helps clear up some confusion on the topic. At this point in time, there's no plans to change our operating frequencies or the name of the application. If you have any other questions, let me know. I'd be happy to answer! 

Also, stay tuned for more info on FT8Call 0.7...lots of exciting stuff coming down the pipe! 


Jordan / KN4CRD

With both programs using FT8 but a different protocol the confusion is evident. However, FT8Call is something complete different compared to WSJT-X.

Again I'll write here that FT8Call is highly experimental. Though it seems to be more populair then other similair software we tested over the years. Just look at my picture....even S01WS from Western Sahara Africa made his appearance on FT8Call to experiment with it. Is this software a new mode? Another way to contact DX? No, no and no. It is not ment for that, the software has a complete different view on communication as most radio operators know it. If you want to DX and fill your logs with DX please use WSJT-X or JTDX or whatever you like to use but not FT8Call. In fact I think the log button is not neccessary in FT8Call because I doubt if a log entry would be really valid since you can ask the computer of the opposite station for a report and you can send a directed message with your report to the opposite station and so it does only involve one operator. The other op doesn't have to be at the radio. Personally I only log contacts if I made a personal chat like you see in the above picture with R2AT,

Till now I really like some of the features in FT8Call:

- Sending out QTH locator which will be picked up and send to
- ALLCALL? which gives you a immidiate view of were you are received.
- Relay messages, Although I still learning how to use it, it has great potential.
- Customization features to alter colors/text

If you had it with radio communication the way it seems working out now on the amateurbands try something new, experiment and try FT8Call.

FT8Call 40m 21 UTC


  1. Hallo Bas, de digitale ontwikkelingen zijn niet bij te houden. Inmiddels al wel de nieuwe WSJT 2.0 geïnstalleerd. FT8CALL daar ben ik nog niet aan toe. Of ik er aan ga beginnen weet ik niet. 73 Paul PAØK

    1. Hallo Paul, als het je gaat om stations te loggen en QSO's maken zoals we gewend zijn, niet aan beginnen. Als je zin hebt in een experiment met niet perfecte maar werkende software dan is het interessant. 73, Bas

    2. en FT8CALL is alleen beschikbaar voor W10. Ik heb W7. 73 Paul PAØK

    3. Sorry Paul, W7 moet ook werken. Ik kan niet vinden dat het speciaal voor W10 is?? 73, Bas

  2. Hallo Bas, bedankt voor de uitgebreide informatie. Interessant. Komende week in IJhorst, weer valt wat tegen dus de 817 etc. mee en ik zal eens gaan proberen hoe het werkt. Goed weekend. 73 Hans.

    1. Het is vooral voor portable gebruik. Dus probeer maar. Misschien kunnen we elkaar werken via een relay station. Ik heb nog niet echt uitgevonden hoe dat werkt...73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas