
Friday, July 13, 2018

Get ready for...RaDAR 14 July 2018

What is RaDAR? Well I direct you to my post from last year:

I didn't see much promotion for this event this year. Even not on ZS6BNE's blog. It seems they all moved to a tight community on Google+. However it is organized and a good concept.

If possible I'll see if I can participate. Many do think it's a game with a winner but this is purely a social event with a challenge for yourself. It is not really necessary to participate for 4 hours. You can do 1 or 2 hours as well, pick your time!

At the same time there is the IARU HF champ contest this weekend. I don't think contesters want to exchange the QTH locator. Contesters are only on frequency for themselves and 59 or 5NN is the only thing matters. Not that I hate that but I think you should be more openminded and respect that there are other events as well at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Good evening Bas, that sure does seem like a radio filled weekend but as you said and I sure can relate to.....the home chores are always first.


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas