
Friday, April 20, 2018

Visiting PB7Z to fullfill a promise

Last winter PB7Z Bernard asked if it would be possible to remove some branches from a tree behind his house. The problem was that he couldn't safely tilt his antennatower without damaging his antennas. So, I promised to do the work as soon as the weather got better. Bernard is a well known contester and DXer on the HAMbands. Before he and I were licensed we were already fanatic DXers on the 11m band in the ninetees of last century. It was fun to met him and be in his shack.

Sure it was good weather, so far the hottest day of this month. So we did the work we had to do with a lot of sweat and of course a lot of drinks. In between we discussed the radiohobby and the forthcoming CQWW DX SSB in oktober at the same location as we went last year. Thanks Bernard for the nice visit, we will meet again both on radio as in person.

PB7Z is using the same versa tower as me and well, you see the amount of antennas that are in there. I can't show a picture of all the wires and radials in his garden. This photo was made just before cutting the branches. Hopefully it will be enough to safely tilt over the tower now.


  1. Hallo Bas, goed gedaan. Zo doe je wat voor elkaar. Fijn weekend, 73 Paul PA0K

  2. It’s always nice to visit other hams QTH!

  3. Leuk Bas, collega amateurs moet je koesteren. Hoe vaak hebben wij elkaars hulp niet nodig. Als ik kijk op onze club-app dan worden er elke week afspraken gemaakt om elkaar ergens mee te helpen. Of het nu een antenne is of een schakeling, of een onderdeel of iets te programmeren. Die kameraadschap is van onschatbare waarde. Goed weekend, 73 Hans, PE1BVQ


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas