
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Solar storm mania

Northern lights in Finland last night!
Over the past years I noticed a increased number of posts on all kind of media about solar magnetic storms. Just like the media posts and news about storm forecasts. The geomagnetic storm that wil arrive today will wipe out all radiocommunication, all GPS devices will be un-usable and there might be electric power grid problems, at least.....that is what the media wants to believe us!

Well, the predicted geomagnetic activity index number this night will be Kp5 (G1). That's just a minor storm. If the Kp would be 9 (G5) it is a extreme storm and in that case things could be worse. Aurora or northern light can be rarely seen here in the Netherlands. But in Finland it is very common. You can view beautiful aurora on this webcam:

There are people that think that geomagnetic storms can influence our thoughts. The same people say that it was all predicted by the Maya's and even claim it is written in the holy bible. They also have a good solution if you don't feel well. You should take a rest and drink a lot of water to reset your body and that way you can accept higher resonance frequencies in your body and thoughts. I guess this will help if you feel dizzy after a few hours of contesting as well ;-)

Well, Dr. Tamitha Skov, who is a Ph.D. in geophysics and space plasma physics is a modern kind of geomagnetic weather forecaster, will tell you all about the upcoming magnetic storm:



  2. PA1AT = PA0U
    Oude informatie. 70 bomen Gerard PA0U

    1. Sorry Gerard, snap je post niet helemaal. Ik ben geen nieuwssite dus het is altijd oude info? Ik wil graag een punt maken dat het nieuws is opgeklopt en in feite nepnieuws is. 73, Bas

  3. Hallo Bas, in de media wordt het elke weer enorm opgeklopt. Gelukkig brengt Tamitha Skov ons terug op aarde. 73 Paul PAØK

  4. Well, I can't say this is scientific, but before the internet, when I could not get advanced warning, I woke up a few times, apparently disturbed in some way by major aurorae.

    I have also written an article with a Caltech researcher about the 'sound of the aurora' that has long been reported by a fraction of aurora observers. The theory we put forward was that some people with audio/visual synaesthesia could well perceive light not only as an image, but sound as well.

    1. Could be John, I haven't experienced it. So what can I tell about it. There are so many things around us that are there but cannot be experienced by everyone. That will not say those things do not exist! But personally I'm really a pragmatic person. I don't believe in something if I didn't experience it myself....73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas