
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Replacing my log processing logbook

Slowly I came to the conclusion that I can't continue with Ham Radio Deluxe version 4 as my main QSO/QSL processing logbook. I still think V4 is the best in simplicity and it is clear as crystal in my eyes. But the hamradio hobby is a constant changing thing and there are new modes now which are and will not be implemented in V4. Logging JT9 and FT8 is a difficult thing now. So, naturally you would say change to HRD V5 latest free version, you can add modes there and it is very versatile. But V5 is not updated either except for a commercial V6 of course. Besides that it is not able to send logs to clublog, and hamlog from within the program as far as I know. Even LOTW happens to be a small problem in V5.

I'm using Ham Radio DeLuxe version 5 last free version as my logger in the shack. But all further processing is done on another computer. So far I used V4 because the analyze and search function for the logbook is just what I need. But after JT9 and now this year FT8 was introduced I got into trouble. HRD V4 doesn't have the ability to add new modes and the program is not updated either. Besides that V4 was made when LOTW, Clublog, log and so many others didn't even exist. So retreiving and sending digital QSLs was a matter of hard manual work.

So I was searching for new free software that could do it all and that would get updates preferable with a kind of helpdesk if you run into problems. The new log software should be at least having all the log features I was used to and do all the processing of QSL for me. I don't look for a immidiate replacement in the shack but a replacement for my main processing logbook which I have on another computer and in the cloud as a back-up.

Reading some dutch hamradio forums about logbook software I had several options. But I finally decided Log4OM would be the best choice for me. I think this free software is ready for the future and new versions are planned. The support via the Log4OM forum is excellent, I've experienced that myself.

Main feature I do like from this program is the easy upload/download for LOTW and eQSL. The thing I don't like is the unclear "Statistics and awards" tab, but luckely these days you can see real good DXCC statistics in Clublog. The DXcluster implemented is excellent, although I won't use this logger in my shack. Of course there are too many options on-board of this nice logbook, options I don't use and do not need.

To setup this logbook was a small challenge as it didn't do the things I expected. But the manual is excellent and I got some help from forum members.

If there was another logger with only QSL processing and statistics I would step over instantly. But as far as I know there is no such software around.

So far I will use Log4OM as my main processing logger.

The only feature I like in the Statistics tab: All my QSOs in one map.


  1. Hi Bas,
    yes, LOG4OM is great logging software. I use it since mid 2014 or around that time, something like version 1.14 or so. I stopped using HRD 5 then and switched to FL-Digi and Log4OM.

    73 Kees PE2KM

    1. Hallo Kees, Log4OM ziet er mooi uit. Maar ik blijf in de shack mooi HRD gebruiken. 73, Bas

  2. Hi Bas, Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    DXCC statistics in Clublog are v. good but I couldn't find any option to download them, either in csv or excel format. So, I'll be looking for your opinion with the statistics of Log4OM. 73 de SV1GRN

    1. Hello Panagiotis, unfortenately the Log4OM statistics are very chaotic. There is no option to download them and the only thing I like is the world map with all the QSOs from your log. But Log4OM is very good for processing eQSL and LOTW. If you want to download your statistics you have to look for another program I guess. You might try HRD version 4, it has the ability to create a HTML page from the statistics. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas