
Thursday, December 7, 2017

#28MHz ARRL 10m contest this weekend

Several posts about the 10m ARRL contest were made last year. Even with a detailed description of the propagation days before the contest. I took part with the biggest effort I could and it resulted in a first place surprisingly! But this year there is no time to make a good setup or even mount the HB9CV in the mast. Yes, I have the new antenna tower up and standing but I have to mount the rotor, cables, lightning protection, antennas. I don't even have all the hardware or the money to buy things. So it has to wait till next year. Better concentrate on the things I have here and that is not only the radiohobby. However, I'm still very interested in the 10m ARRL contest, participating or not, it is the contest that gives me the most pleasure of them all. Especially when propagation is not that good and you have to fight for every QSO.

I decided to leave my "spare" portable station on 10m WSPR today, antenna is my multiband vertical. The propagation doesn't look that good unfortunately, as expected of course. SFI:68 SN:13 A:16 K:3. And as expected I was only spotted and spotted only stations in my neighbourhood. Not even outside the Netherlands at all!

Truly amazing is what you can spot when you have a very good yagi on about 20m height. Look at PG0DX Henry his spots:

Henry spotted VK3KCX today. But overall he still is able to see propagation paths to Australia almost every day even without the propagation you normally should have for these kind of distances.


  1. Hoi Bas, jammer dat de mast met de HB9CV nog niet zover gereed is. Niet alles kan tegelijkertijd. Mogelijk dat je toch nog de multiband vertical gaat gebruiken als de condities verbeteren. Vooralsnog ga lekker luisteren en meegenieten en volgend jaar ben je zondermeer weer van de partij. 73 Hans, PE1BVQ

    1. Weet niet of de HB9CV er nog in komt Hans. Ik heb nog een 5 elem. ZX yagi liggen voor 10m die ik om wil bouwen naar 5 elem. OWA. Als ik van het weekend tijd heb zal ik af en toe eens luisteren. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas