
Saturday, December 9, 2017

#28MHz 10m surprises me again!

Yes, 10m surprises me. I didn't have any propagation expectation at all and looking at the propagation last couple of days I did not expect to make many QSO's at all.

SFI:69 SN:11 A:10 K:1 today, does that tell much? Well the K index is low and that's good, the rest is all bad.

But I heard VK3KCX three times this morning on WSPR! So, that was promising!
Didn't have much time to contest though so it was 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there. I decided to do mix mode CW/SSB to spread my chances. At first I logged with N1MM+ but it went wrong at the first QSO already so I changed to HRD and DM780. Unfortenately that is not really a contest logger but it does serve well under difficult situations like this. However I logged and give some wrong numbers and so the log is not complete. I can always send in my log as checklog as fun is the most important thing here.

19 stations were worked today and most memorable contact was with FR4QT from Reunion Isl. Africa on SSB!


  1. I regret that I have to work this weekend. Enjoy the contest!

  2. Hallo Bas, ik denk dat de propagatie niet zo zeer het probleem is maar het gebrek aan activiteit op 10 meter als men denkt dat het niets is. Er zijn altijd wel verrassingen mogelijk. 73 Paul PC4T

    1. Activiteit genoeg tijdens de contest Paul. Dus van groot belang om dan juist QRV te zijn. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas