
Monday, September 25, 2017

#cqww RTTY contest 2017

Event: CQWW RTTY contest
Section: LOW power all band assisted
Logger: N1MM+ 
Station: Icom IC-706MK2G at 40W
Antenna: Coppertape multiband vertical at 9m agl

Well I did it just for fun again. RTTY is not my favourite mode. I had very limited time too and only at sunday. Saturday was occupied by a family meeting and in the afternoon that day I got a phone call from Henry PG0DX with a very unpleasant message. Our good radio buddy PD1BM Bert suddenly died last thursday. So, you can imagine this cqww rtty contest didn't bring me the fun I wanted to have anyway. Overall I did hear some interesting stations but didn't work them all. Most interesting DX I think was ZF1A (Cayman Isl.) on 40m and XW1IC (Laos) on 20m. Especially XW1IC was very strong peaking S9+ in the evening. Didn't hear anything on 15m and above but that's because I was only active at the dark part of the day. I tried 80m but it wasn't working, I only got a lot of AGN? AGN? and so my participation was limited to 40 and 20m. Overal in 3 hours time 75 QSOs is average. I spend at least a half hour to solve the bandmap/frequency issue as it is described at several sites (even my own) and the manual you can find "Auto Update TRX Offset w/Mark Freq." in the settings of your Digital Interface window(s). Well it was exactly what I was looking for in settings but could not find it and it was my own fault as I should have read setup instead of settings. Anyway, problem solved...


  1. Mooi werk bas heb zaterdagavond en zondagavond even mee gedaan zondagmiddag een quad in de mast gehangen voor 40 meter werkte goed maar veelste groot 10x10 meter verder 364 verbindingen gemaakt.

    73 Tjip pd2tw

    1. Hallo Tjip, prachtig hoor zo een quad. Heb je er foto's van? Beest van antenne natuurlijk ;-) Mooi aantal verbindingen. Ik heb een tijdje jouw signaal mee gelezen op 20m en zag je de ene na de andere amerikaan werken. Het is jammer dat ik op moment niet veel tijd heb voor de hobby. Misschien als ik met pensioen ben over 20 jaar :-). 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas