
Monday, July 10, 2017

How I work JT digimode

I almost forgot but I promised some people to show how I work with the JT digimode. The software I use and what pages on the internet are useful to see were your signal is heard.

The video shows how I work JT modes. It doesn't show all the possebilities. I know it is possible to configure some alerts with a second soundcard to give you alerts when a certain station is calling CQ or even any new DX. I know there are radio amateurs who have the system on 24/7 and will get on the keyboard as soon as they hear a alert that a new station or DX can be contacted. Working DX is going to be completely different compared to a decade ago.

Some of you will notice that I don't work with the latest version of JTDX and JT-Alert. It still works fine. Personally I'm having issues with the newer version of JTDX, mainly because it doesn't have the audio input slider anymore. So, I hope in future versions it will be back in as JTDX is really fine software to work the DX on this great digimode.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bas ,
    Thank you for the post. Interesting the JT modes. As I saw on the video that you have a clean band on 60 meters. Can you show me your antenna setup. The antenna is very important as you know.

    Best regards,
    Gerard PA7GMU


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas