
Monday, June 5, 2017

Dutch Kingdom Contest 2017 review

Event: Dutch Kingdom Contest 2017
Section: LOW power SSB (A1SSB)
Logger: N1MM+ latest version
Station: Icom IC-706MK2G at 100W
Antenna 1: Coppertape vertical (7,1m)  @9m agl
Antenna 2: Watson W2000 for 6m @6m agl

Just looking back at my last year effort. I had the feeling propagation was even worse. I started Saturday evening and there were only few on the 20m and 40m bands. However I made some DX, don't ask me how it was possible...Then Sunday morning, I woke up very early and started on empty band. Really nothing could be heard except for some CW at the low part and of course the ever present JT signals on 7076 the rest was noise only. 20m band was empty as well, other bands are normally not open early in the morning. So, no one came back after calling CQ on both bands for 15 minutes and I decided to do some 60m JT65 operating instead, that went well although signals were not that strong. Later in the morning 40m and 20m still almost dead, only a few stations in the background. 6m seems to be opening and again decided to do some JT65 mode there to wait for better propagation. Then the family woke up and had to do other things. Just before the afternoon had some minutes to try again. 6m and 10m was much better and although most stations did not participate in the contest I still got some stations back to me as apparently there was another contest going on as well. Had to stop contesting before noon. Unfortenately I didn't work any known expat (extra points) like I did in previous years. I did work SO8FH (PA0F) Frits on 6m but he was not in the contest as he told me so I guess he is not known at the DKC organisation for extra points. On 10m I spoke TK/PH2A, not shure if he counts for extra points as well. In the end the 6m band saved the contest a bit, actually it was my best band after all. Total amount of QSOs is higher compared to last year. I defend my first place though I'm not shure I will be able to maintain.....time will tell.

Combined results map


  1. Hoi Bas, jammer dat de condities zo slecht waren maar ook minder activiteit op de hf banden. Ik heb tussen door nog een paar maal geluisterd en het viel mij op dat het overal zeer rustig was. Ik hoop dat je uiteindelijk betere resultaten hebt behaald dan de anderen in het QRP deel dus grote kans dat jij op nr. 1 bent ge-eindigd. Je hebt er in iedergeval je best voor gedaan. 73 Hans,PE1BVQ

    1. Hallo Hans, ik kon helaas niet de volle contest mee doen. Maar gezien de resultaten van vorige jaren maakt dat niet veel uit. Ik had 2 buurtstations die ook mee deden. PD2TW waarschijnlijk in de novice sectie en PA3FXT waarschijnlijk in dezelfde sectie als mij. Geen idee hoeveel QSO's FXT gemaakt heeft maar ik kwam hem tegen op 10m toen zat ik op meer QSO's. Maar meedoen is belangrijker dan winnen zeg ik maar. Overigens kan ik me nu ook best voorstellen dat jij geen enkele respons kreeg op je CQ tijdens de activatie van het zuidlaardermeer gebied. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas