
Friday, April 28, 2017

We have a winner...

We finally have a winner. It is PE1BVQ Hans who came with the final location. Was it hard to find me? It seems so because there were no other right answers. Actually not many seem to have a interest in a book about DX? Hans, you will get the book and it is interesting for shure. Well, to find me was not that hard. Even without a radio it would be possible. Just check the activity list at and find me. Then it is just a matter of writing my call in the database to find the locator. The hard part was the exact name of the location. If you think logical the best guess was somewhere on a vacation park which is as far as I know the only one in this square. 3 options were right. The exact location was Selkaer Molle but Selkaer or Glesborg would be right also.

Well I ended transmissions, the whole station is packed again. We will go home tomorrow and leave early. It was a great vacation. Hobby wise I learned a lot again. The superantenna MP-1 tripped over by the wind again and I really find another way to connect the antenna to the tripod as it cracked again. I know the tripod is made for a camera and not for a (heavy) antenna. I've been active on 20,30 and 40m and made some QSOs in SSB, JT65 and JT9. Only one QSO with the homeland.PD0ME Margienus was the lucky one. PB7Z and PA4GB almost made it but were unable to pick my weak signal out of the noise.

At a certain time on 40m I had a small pile-up ;-)....
Well, look at the picture. JTDX still is amazing. 2 decodes on the same (722Hz) frequency. I worked M0PXS by the way...


  1. Did you see Rita in Denmark?!

    1. Never heard of this TV series John. And didn't see much TV in Denmark :-) 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas