
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2015 statistics

Traditionally I show you the radio activity statistics. Not to show off but for archive purposes. This does not include my SES PE45FREE activation in which I made 1440 QSOs in May. As expected I made less new ATNO DXCCs. Not only propagation is decreasing but I had less time overall to be on the radio. In total 11 ATNOs were worked this year. Although there are a lot of interesting DXpeditions announced in 2016 I expect the number of ATNOs will be even less as this year. This year I did well on 6m with 80 QSOs. And not to forget our new 60m band which we can now use finally.

Only 2 QSOs more as last year. If you ad the 1440 QSO from PE45FREE I definitely made more QSOs.

Surprisingly most of the QSOs are made on 40m. A band I wasn't that successful at from my previous QTH. Both my vertical and horizontal loop are doing fine on 40.

My first time ever DOMINO QSO was made this year. Wish to do more digital mode experiments next year so I expect to have a longer list next year.

Most QSO were made in March instead of the usual peak at February. That's due to my QRP effort in the PACC and lack of time for this yearly contest.


  1. Hallo Bas, mooie lijstjes, ik zie dat wat jij in één jaar werkt, daar heb ik 7 jaar over gedaan. Dat komt met name door de contesten natuurlijk. Prettige jaarwisseling, 73 Paul PC4T

    1. Hallo Paul, ja dat komt door het contesten. En dan ben ik nog niet eens fanatiek. Neem bijvoorbeeld PB7Z die werkt zo een 17000 QSO's per jaar (of meer!). Maar goed, het gaat niet om de kwantiteit maar om de qualiteit uiteraard. Prettige jaarwisseling. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas