
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Thanks to Tjeerd PA3GNZ I've found a new WSPR map site. Features are nice as you can choose between TX, TX/RX and RX spots. That makes it different from other sites. It also shows a spot count, max. distance TX and max. distance RX. Although in my case (long path) it has been a wrong distance of course ;-) Another feature I like is the extreme zoom capability. Much further then for instance PSKreporter. Besides that PSKreporter is useless for WSPR spotting.

Below again my last weekend WSPR activity. This time only the spots that are made from my 1W WSPR signal.


  1. ?? At PSKReporter you can select TX, TX and both combined, for a long time already. So what's really new? ;-) 73 de Kees PE2KM

    1. That is RX, TX and both combined... :-P

    2. You can't view WSPR on PSK reporter! And you cannot zoom in that far. PSK reporter is useless for WSPR, but great for other modes. 73, Bas

  2. Hallo Bas, ik zag het bij Tjeerd inderdaad. Ik dacht eerst dat ie dat zelf had gemaakt. Het is een welkome aanwinst voor WSPR. Nu nog data analyse en DXCC rapporten bij WSPR, zodat we dat niet meer zelf en Excel hoeven doen. 73 Paul

    1. Hallo Paul, vind het een mooie site, dus vermelding op mijn blog waard. Nu de rest van ons verlanglijstje nog. 73, Bas

  3. I like that site, except for the fact that, compared to the WSPR map, at least for the 6m band I checked, it's only showing a fraction of the active stations, whether TX, RX, or both. So, it makes it rather less than useful.

    1. It is a searchable site and it only shows the stations that RTX the call that you search for. The WSPR map also shows the complete list of stations. That would be on my wishlist for this site...73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas