
Thursday, January 8, 2015

30m WSPR at night 7-8 Jan.

Results from last night transmitting with the VCXO-AXE on the horizontal loop. I hoped for a spot from AE5X who did some experiments with a Funcube Pro+. Unfortenately propagation was not good enough I guess. Still it is amazing were my signal was heard, the VCXO-AXE is very small with conventional components. But I guess with SMD it could have been half the size and that way it would fit in for example a matchbox (not a antenna matchbox).


  1. Hallo Bas, condities waren erg slecht door die solar storm. Toch nog mooie resultaten. 73 Paul

    1. Inderdaad Paul, ik had ook niet op dit resultaat gehoopt. Het valt allemaal nog mee. 73, Bas

  2. Hi Bas, I left the FunCube on until about 2 hours after my sunset when I noticed that very few trans-Atlantic decodes were being made by anyone. Maybe conditions will be better tonight on 30m. I will have the FunCube going again tonight starting at 0000Z.

    73 - AE5X

    1. I just started transmitting again John, I hope you will spot my tiny signal. Other wise I have to connect the vertical (better for DX). Might do that tommorow night. 73, Bas

  3. I'm listening (WSPR) on 30m now at 2200Z. Will do the same tomorrow.

    1. Better check the receiver/wspr decodes/time? From what I see in the database you didn't report a single spot. Propagation was not good at all though. But I have been decoded in the USA. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas