
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Less blogging & radio

I hope Franki ON5ZO does not mind I refer to what he wrote in his blog:

I have a job, I have a family, I have household duties. When these three are served and satisfied all my remaining time is spent on ham radio and contesting in one way or another. Some watch football, others collect stamps.

That counts for me too. And there are times this takes so much time and effort there is no or not much left for a hobby. I'm trying to make some time to finish the endfed experiment but till now I didn't succeed.

Omdat het zo een kort stukje is schrijf ik dit keer niet in het Nederlands.


  1. I sometimes think that we bloggers take on the personality, duties...and ego... of newespaper journalists. We aren't. When we break out into a sweat because several days have passed without a blog update, it is time for a personal re-evaluation.

    1. Hello Richard, well I don't see blogging as a duty it's just part of the hobby. But indeed sometimes it's time for some re-evaluation. 73, Bas

  2. Of course I don't mind you quoting me!

    Maintaining some form of diary costs time and one should only invest this time if/when it's available. Ususally I type down my thoughts at work over lunch. Time well spent I say.

    I find many ham and general blogs more interesting than the writings of some journalists. I don't read newspapers anyway.

    Go work on that antenna Bas. Finish it, put it up, log some DX... and then report back here HI.

    GL / 73!

    1. Thanks Franki, I know you have the same circumstances as me with family, litle children, household etc. Most of my blog entries are written at my job as well in lunch break. But since my colleague is at home due to a small accident I don't have much breaks. Luckely next month will be one of the most quiet of the year (normally). Hope to finish the little endfed experiment soon. Stay tuned...73, Bas

  3. Hallo Bas, ik snap het heel goed. Dat is de reden dat ik uiteindelijk meer dan 20 jaar de hobby niet heb uitgevoerd. Druk met werk, opleiding en gezinsleven. Pas toen ik met de VUT ging pakte ik de hobby weer op. Alles gewoon op z'n tijd. 73 Paul

  4. Hallo Paul, ja veel radio hobbyisten stoppen dan een tijdje met radio. Maar dat wil ik eigenlijk zien te voorkomen. We zullen zien. 73, Bas

    1. Dat zou wel mooi zijn, af en toe wat aan radio blijven doen. 73 Paul

  5. I hear you Bas! It's been a while since I've been able or willing to spend a whole day playing radio. My high energy time is definitely in the mornings. By the time the chores are done and afternoon is here my energy drops even for radio.

  6. Hello Casey, well it's 5:49 UTC in the morning and I'm listening radio. First time since a long time. I think we have to find another way this time of the year to keep busy on the radio.
    73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas