
Monday, August 8, 2011

Just in time, worked STØR

Just in time I realized that if I would have to work the new DXCC Southern Sudan it should be on this evening, I haven't got  time tomorrow and the DXpedition is till the 10th. For the first time in 2 months I connected the Icom 706 to the antenna and checked the SWR. It was ok and ready for DX. Then I consulted the Summit DX cluster. And yes, there were spots from STØR on 17m. But when I was listening there I had no hope to make a QSO. The signal was weak just audible and the pile-up still huge. Anyway, I had to copy some photos from the camera to the computer so I was listening. I just thought I give it a try on a clean split frequency with in mind that it probabely would not happen. But surprisingly STØR came back with "BAS" your 59 your call again. And I shouted "PE4BAS".....PE4BAS your 59 73. DXCC nr. 194 nice surprise and just in time...

Net op tijd realiseerde ik mij dat als ik de nieuwe DXCC Zuid Soedan zou willen werken ik dat vanavond moest realiseren, morgen heb ik er geen tijd voor en overmorgen is de STØR DXpeditie weer weg. Dus voor het eerst in 2 maanden snel de Icom 706 weer aangesloten en de SWR gecontroleerd, die was goed dus klaar voor DX. Nu nog even de summit DX cluster bekijken om te zien waar ze aktief zijn, ja op 17m. Maar toen ik ging luisteren zakte me de moed in de schoenen, het signaal was erg zwak en de pile-up tot mijn verbazing nog erg groot. Ach, ik moest nog even wat foto's kopieëren van de camera naar de computer, dus maar even luisteren dan. Op gegeven moment toch maar besloten om te gaan roepen op een schone split frequentie met in mijn achterhoofd dat het toch niet zou lukken. Maar tot mijn verbazing  kwam na 1x roepen STØR terug met "BAS" your 59 your call again. Dus ik schreeuwde "PE4BAS".....PE4BAS your 59 73. DXCC nr. 194 voor mij een leuke verassing net op tijd.


  1. Hallo Bas, Verbazingwekkend, maar wel erg leuk.
    73, Bert

  2. Nicely done Bas, I had a similar experience yesterday and was very pleased to work ST0R on 17m as well.


  3. Hallo Bas, hartstikke mooi, ik had hem ook wel een paar keer gehoord maar de moed bleef bij mij in de schoenen... 73 Paul

  4. That is great news Bas, I unlike you just stop when I hear the huge pileup...great that you went ahead and gave it a shot. I went to the like that John AE5X has on his blog to the STOR site to check contacts....there you were on 17 SSB.

  5. Tnx everyone that replied. Thanks for checking Mike. 73, Bas

  6. It was tough going with ST0R. Well done Bas. Nice new DXCC.

  7. Hi Bas,
    Congrads with the new DXCC.Specially with the short time of effort you made for it :)
    I had some more time and coult get them in 3 modes on 20M, CW , SSB and RTTY.
    If propagation is ok...Sudan isn't that hard to get.Just now while it's a new DXCC,it's a big mess,hi.

    As an "old" 11 Meter DXer,i hear many times OM's tell bad things about my "old" hobby.But when i think was never this bad Zoo that time as i hear and see many times at the HAM bands.

    73's m8
    Bernard PD7BZ


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas